75.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 75

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I will always love you chapter: 75 Bina POV

I looked back to see Michael's dejected face and I wanted to apologize, but my ego was too big to let me. I was a angry with Michael for kissing me, and then not calling or doing anything for 2 weeks. I mean, who does that? I got in the car and Nelson asked,

"What was that all about?" He looked quite concerned and I said,

"It's a long story."

"We have a 45 minute drive back, and I have the rest of the day." I looked him in the eyes and squeezed his hand.

"It's really just petty, and I don't want to waste any time on it." He started to look disappointed so I said,

"Tell me more about your music!" At that, he brightened and readily told me about what he'd been doing.

"...but I wanted to keep it kind of a secret ya know?" He ended his explanation of his detailed process.

"You are too modest!" I said, as I gave him a playful shove. We pulled up to my house and I said goodbye to Jim. Nelson got out to open my door for me, and he walked me to my porch. He pulled my arm and said

"Hey, I really had fun today, and I like having fun. So I want to know if you want to go out again... with me?"

I Will Always Love You - Michael Jackson fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang