8.) I will always love you chapter: 8

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I will always love you part: 8

Michael POV

When we got downstairs I saw Mother and Ms. June still chatting and at the door. They saw us and then Ms. June asked,

"Where are the other girls?" To which we laughed and Kalyani said,

"They ditched us early on to go talk to their boyfriends, like we didn't know!" We laughed and then mother and I said our goodbyes. While we were walking back mother whispered,

"Well, you like HER!"

"What are you talking about; she's really nice but-"

"Don't try to hide it Michael. I'm your parent, I know these things" she said while pinching my arm, "what did you all do since the other girls left?" She asked with a playfully suspicious eye.

"Well she showed me around and Oh yeah," I dug in my pocket, "she gave me these!"

"What are they?"

"They are original movie posters! Amazing, huh?"

"Well well well!" She said looking at me, "it seems like she likes you too!"

"No mother- no, no, we are just being friendly." I thought that maybe we could be just...good friends.

"Okay," she said in a high pitched 'I know I'm right' tone. "So what else did you talk about?"

"Well she told me about her heritage..." I told mother the whole story about the Ganesha doll and everything else I had asked her. We ended up back at the house in the kitchen.

"Now that is very interesting." She replied while starting to make an early dinner.

"She also asked me to come over and see a movie." I said, quietly.


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