51.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 51

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I will always love you chapter: 51 Michael POV  

Nelson explained to me that we were going to act like the fans. We were going to convince them that I had run in the opposite direction of my house, and get them to chase after me while we sneak back to my place. I had to say, the plan was brilliant and if he wasn't trying to date the girl that I liked, we could have been friends. We came out of Nelson's side door and when we walked out to the front, the girls were still talking and waiting for me. Nelson started screaming in a shockingly high pitched girl-like voice,  

"Ahh! I saw him! I saw him! He just went around the corner!" The girls instantaneously whipped themselves into a frenzy, and screamed,  

"Which way! WHICH WAY!" Once we pointed, their feet tore against the ground as they sprinted away from the house. At first we ran with them, but we slowed to stop and then ran the other way. We were almost at my house, but when we turned on to my street, there was an even larger group of girls waiting in front and calling for me and my brothers. Nelson leaned over to me and hissed,  

"Sheesh, Michael, your girls are persistent!" I cracked a smile because I knew they were, in every city. I loved it too. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the other side of the street in front of Bina's house, rang the buzzer, and a man's voice answered,  

"Who is it?"  

"Hi it's Nelson and a friend." He said, cutting his eyes towards me looking nervous. He couldn't say my name because that would draw attention to us and the fans might start asking questions. We heard the voice ask if they knew who we were. I then heard a voice, clearly Ms. Barbara, say that Nelson was a friend of Bina's. The next thing we heard was the buzzer that unlocked the gate, and we swiftly entered, shut it behind us, and walked to the front door.

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