90.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 90

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I Will Always Love You Chapter: 90

Michael POV

I got called back into the house by my father, and when I reached him in his office, I could sense that something was going on. Latoya was in the corner with her back facing me fiddling with something, but I just ignored her and continued to my father.

“Take a seat." He gestured to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down warily, and started to fiddle with the loose button on my shirt. I could feel a thin film of sweat start to form on my upper lip, and my throat went dry. My father's normally cold gray eyes shot up to my face, but seemed a bit warmer today as he began to talk.

“The press could sense the tensions in our family lately. They are ready to jump at any moment to make a story. So...our job now is to put out a good, strong, and united image. Your mother coming back will make it easier, especially with the plan that you and Latoya wanted to explain to me." He nodded to me as if I was supposed to explain myself but I looked at him in confusion. I then turned to Latoya who seemed to know exactly what was going on. She turned around while holding something behind her back, looking satisfied. That frightened me.

"Remember silly? You said that this Saturday you were going on that date with Donna?" Latoya said in her fake sweet voice. I love my sister, but boy, did she make me angry sometimes. Before I had a chance to rebut, my dad broke in,

"Great! That will be good press. That is smart to go out with a Motown member's daughter. It's the perfect power couple image, what we need, and she understands the business so... she'll be understanding to any misadventure, if you know what I mean." I was inflamed by that last remark because I wouldn't do something like that.

"Um... we really didn't talk about it that much, and I haven't really made a decision yet." I felt terrible for even acting like I was considering it, but that was the only way I knew how to dodge the questions.

"Well?" Joseph asked me, expecting an answer right then and there.

"I'm busy that day. I've made other important plans that I don't think I can back out of." I was really trying to keep Bina out of the conversation, but with Latoya knowing more than she should, and wanting for me to be with Donna so badly for whatever her reasons may be, I had a fear that the topic of Bina would be inevitable.

"Like what? What plan could possibly be more important than helping your family?" Joseph asked angrily. He continued,

"Don't tell me that you're still messing around with that girl from across the street? That could only end in groupie disaster!"

"Uh...um, no?" I said hesitantly. I did not know where the conversation was leading so I decided that making our relationship seem nothing more than platonic was the way to go. I had to protect myself and Bina from scrutiny.

"Then what? Latoya told me that she was in the yard today! Are you trying to make a fool of your family and the Jackson 5 brand? Anyone could see that she is just using you to climb the ladder. Use your head boy. Getting involved with her will only distract you from your work. You need to end this before I do." That scared me the most. I did not want my father getting involved in my relationships. I especially did not want him near Bina. My father was tearing in to me, but then pulled the one string that always tears at my heart,

“When you get into serious relationships, you end up abandoning the group, and I know you don't want to do that, do you?" I couldn't hold my ground. I let my head drop low. When my brothers started to leave the house I started to feel lonely and the last thing I want to do is do the same; to my music...to my fans. He walked around his desk and placed a hand on my shoulder and continued,

“Besides, son, you really don't want this. When you date people outside of the industry, you drag them into the business. It's a foreign world to them so they won't understand the things you have to do. You'll only end up hurting her...whether you notice it or not. Just look at your mother and I. She understands this, but still... That can't be what you want."

"I don't think so... It's not like that. It never will be." I barely forced myself to say. He patted my back and returned to his seat looking much more relaxed.

Latoya leaned far in to me and said,

"So you're saying that there is nothing there with Bina? I saw you! And you looked very invested there in the yard. All I want is to protect you, Michael." She actually was genuine that time.

“Latoya, please stop..." I whispered. I almost had my dad off of my back, and she was just inflaming the situation again. They both looked at me.

"No! It's not what you think!" I defended myself.

"Well what then, Michael? It really doesn't seem that you have totally come clean. Are you sure you're not hiding something? You can tell us. We're your family." Latoya said gently.

"Michael. You tell me what is going on right now!" My father seemed more concerned than angry at this point since Latoya was making it look like I snuck out after dark to see women. I could do nothing but exhale and once again defend myself,

"Nothing! Really! I was just talking to her. That's all."

"So, what? You're fooling around? Just sewing your oats? This is...just a game? Right?" Joseph's features softened more after playing out what he thought it was. He seemed much more calm. I just wanted to get out of there so I answered,

"Yeah..." I felt what I said marinate in my mind and it left an awful taste in my mouth. I wanted to cry; I felt ashamed. I never wanted to degrade any girl but I did exactly that.

"What do you mean, Michael? Today when I saw you, I could've sworn that it looked like more. Be totally clear about Bina." Latoya said. She was unnecessarily beating a dead horse and I wanted to say, enough. Joseph already heard me say it several times but she kept at it. She seemed to shift the thing in her hands behind her back.

"She's nothing to me...really. Just a girl."

"So you're doing the date with Donna, right?" Latoya asked.

"Yeah." I had just killed all of my morals. I asked how I let myself say these things. I tried to justify it by telling myself that this was the only way I could keep my relationship with Bina alive, but deep down inside I felt spineless. I did her wrong and it was tearing me to pieces. I'm just glad that I didn't have to say it to her right now. I'll explain it to her in better words.

I was in a daze when La Toya sped through the door leaving me alone with Joseph and my swirling thoughts. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it. My gut kept telling me to look for my walkie talkie, so I excused myself and barreled up the stairs. I almost crashed right into La Toya, who was walking in the opposite direction down the hall.

She jumped and let out a little screech.

“Oh my gosh, casper! You startled me!"

“What were you just doing?"

"Walking. Is that a problem?" She smartly asked.

"You know what I'm talking about." La Toya grew serious, her eyes searching my face for some reason. She said in a very measured tone,

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"That whole debacle downstairs with Joseph, and this date with Donna? Why do you keep pushing that?"

"Casper, that's the smartest move you've made in the last six months for your reputation and your career. Plus, Joseph is thrilled."

"I know you're up to something."

She brushed me off saying,

"Oh, you're so suspicious. Look,  I'm hungry." With that, she disspeared down the steps before I could say another word.

I walked in my room, looking around, but everything seemed to be in place. I walked to the bin where I kept my walkie talkie, and there it was, sitting where I left it. Right before I put the top back on, I saw it... The red power button was lit. La Toya had the walkie talkie, but what for? She must have had it in Joseph's office which meant...someone was listening. And that was most likely Bina...

Oh no.

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