10.) I will always love you chapter: 10

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I will always love you part: 10

Michael POV

I was thankful for the interruption. I hate all of that yelling. How does he expect me to do my best work if I'm always frightened. I left the kitchen where mother was looking at Joseph with cold stare. I then heard their hushed voices, but they faded as I turned the corner to the stairs. As I walked I kept thinking about her. Her. With the coal black hair. Her with the deep dark brown eyes. Her with the lemony skin and lilting voice and graceful movements. Her. I couldn't concentrate and forgot what I was going to do until I heard music pouring out of the studio in the backyard. I got my music and headed to the backyard. When I opened the door everyone stopped and looked at me like I was the plague.

"Oh... did he get you?" Marlon said in almost a whisper.

"Uh... Huh? Oh no. No he just, well no..." I was in a daze and I was unable to form a proper sentence. I couldn't wait to see her again. I was stumbling over my words, trying to make them cohesive but Jackie interrupted me.

"Well good, now y'all know we better start practicing before he changes his mind and decides to whip all your tails! I can leave, but you guys will get it."

"You know what? You're right man, let's get to it." I said, and set up my music stand.

I Will Always Love You - Michael Jackson fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now