93.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 93

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I Will Always Love You Chapter: 93

Michael POV

I ran back through the curtains to make sure that Donna wouldn't see me. She didn't take it well at all when I said that I wouldn't go on that pitiful date. La Toya was livid, but I was livid with her for stabbing me in the back. We talked it all through, and I can now understand her better. However, we are still rebuilding our trust. Donna is an entirely different situation. She knows how to hold a grudge, even for small things so I cannot expect her to be kind if we encounter one another tonight.

I peeked through the curtains to see Donna and her friends walking into their box section. After I was sure that they wouldn't pop out again, I tiptoed down the hall, the scuffing of my shoes muffled by the velvet carpet, and made my way down the marble stairs. From a clear mind, my mission to find Bina in the sea of people was futile, but I was sure that Divine Providence would help me out if it cared for me at all. The lobby was empty and the lights began to dim, signaling that the MC was soon to take the stage. The buzz around the club was that the opening act was a kid from New York. Bina had said before that her parents were often giving opportunities to young upstarts who wouldn't otherwise get a shot, but I doubt that I would remember to ask her about this Eddie Murphy kid after the show - that is, if we got to talk later. As I strolled the lobby, I noticed ahead of me several waiters putting in orders at the bar and returning to bring the drinks to the tables. My best bet would probably be to linger near the bar. She would have to make her way here at some point.

People were furiously buzzing about and it didn't surprise me that I only received a glance from most. I was allowed almost complete anonymity in plain sight. I studied them, one after the other; some female, some male; short, tall; happy looking and frustrated. Then through the doors came a familiar figure.

Asha had her notepad in her pocket and her pencil in her hair giving the orders from memory. I never really studied her in detail before, and this time I really saw the extent of her beauty. She was stunning, and I'm sure that she had several boys chomping at the bit to date her. However, in that moment I had other things pressing my brain. Before she went back out, I whispered,

"Asha!" She turned rapidly, the loose hairs from her bun swirling into her face. She smoothed her hand over her hair and then her face turned almost comical.

"You showed up." She chuckled.

"Yeah, um...do you know where Bina is?" Still laughing, she replied,

"She should be back here any second, though I doubt you could get three words in."

"I'll wait for her back here then. I just have to let her know I made it."

"Suit yourself. Did you order yet? Or, have you been looking for her the entire time?"

"Not the entire time, but..." She rolled her eyes, huffed, and then said,

"Just give me your order so that you will actually have food when you're finished this witch hunt." Even though her delivery was gruff, I could see that she was trying to extend the olive branch and I was grateful. She told me what they had on the menu and it ranged from regular comedy club food like mozzarella sticks and chicken wings, to classier things like grilled salmon mango salad and chicken tikka masala. I had never tried some of the Indian dishes so I asked her to surprise me. She winked an "ok", went back to the bar, picked up her order and, in more of a rush, she sped back off into the main hall.

As the doors were swinging shut, I saw her face and everything else faded away. I walked up and opened the door for her as she turned to back the tray cart in. She said thank you, but she didn't look at my face, so I said,

I Will Always Love You - Michael Jackson fan fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang