43.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 43

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I will always love you chapter: 43 Michael POV

I looked up and saw a huge group of girls outside of my house.  They were screaming like crazy, and then started to run after me. I touched my face and realized that I had left without a disguise. Gosh I thought. I should know better than that!  I bolted back down the street and around the corner. I saw Nelson walking through his gate but before it closed I yelled to him,

"Nelson! Hold the gate!" He looked up in confusion and surprise, but he then saw the mob of girls rounding the corner behind me. His eyes grew to the size of silver dollars and he immediately opened the gate wider.  I ran in pushing past him and then he shut and locked it. Moments later we heard girls banging from the other side. I knew that they would try to hop the fence, but the top of Nelson's gate was pointed, and too high to jump from. I was safe from their hard loving - it could hurt, but it was love none the less. I sighed out of breath, but relieved and leaned against his house. He looked at me with a peculiar expression, but then started to laugh.

"You wanna come inside?" He asked.

<3<3 Hey! I just checked in today and saw 2K reads! I'm sooooo happy! Thank you so much! Just in case you guys didn't know, this is my first story in fact. I would love to hear what you have to say about it, so please leave feedback and, if you like, vote! <3<3

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