95.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 95

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I Will Always Love You Chapter: 95

Michael POV

I stayed in my seat after the show to wait for most of the people to leave. I wasn’t interested in getting mobbed or answering questions tonight. After I was sure that I would be safe, I left my seat to look for Bina. Down below, I could see a few servers were still out on the floor cleaning up and restoring order to the sea of tables and chairs left in disarray. The halls were so quiet that I could hear the scuffing of my shoes echo even though I was walking on carpet. I got down to the bottom floor and I headed towards the kitchen to see if she was finished yet. I spotted her and on my way over I could tell that she was absolutely exhausted. I began to get disappointed because that would probably mean that she wouldn’t feel like practicing the riff, and that meant that I wouldn’t spend much more time with her. I approached her, ready to say goodbye and head home.

“Hey.” She looked at me with tired eyes, but they still had that fiery sparkle. Fatigue filling her voice, she replied,

“Hey…” She looked at me intensely for a moment, took a deep breath, and then said, “Alright, you ready?”

“For what?”

“To teach me,” she said matter-of-factly.

“The riff?”

“Isn’t that the whole reason you came out tonight?” She winked at me. I thought to myself,

Actually, no. That really wasn’t at all why I came and I think you know exactly why I’m here.

 I would never say that out loud though. I said,

“Right. I just thought that you would be kind of tired, y’know?”

“Nah, I’m ready. Let’s hit it.” 

I said in my head,

You have everlasting energy, don’t you? I love it.

We sat down at one of the aisle tables to begin the lesson. Her mother had come by to tell her that they were getting ready to leave, but I offered to take her home so that we could finish. I noticed that Ms. Barbara wasn’t surprised to see me even though she most likely knew why I hadn’t been around. She gave me a warm hug and then they left. I turned my attention back to Bina, and she pointed out where she got entangled in the notes. I figured out what she was hung up on, and sang it slowly so that she could hear each note. Try after try it got better until finally – 

“I got it!” She yelled. I couldn’t help but smile at her sheer joy. She did it over and over for me to hear, and each time was even more beautiful than the last. She stopped at one point and said,

“I’m not trying to offend you or anything,” she paused raising her eyebrows and holding up a finger, “but I would’ve done it maybe just a little differently.” Her voice ending on an apologetic lilt.

“Oh, really? Alright, let’s go.” I challenged her. What came out of her mouth next was pure soul.

“I dig it! I wish I had done that.” She laughed and then checked the time. Her eyes bulged and she breathed,

“It’s almost 12 AM.” My heart sank, but I tried to perk up and say what I knew I should,

“Okay, let me get you home.” She looked at me with that spark in her eyes and said,

“What’re you talking about? I’m hungry!” I smiled and asked,

“Pinks is the only place I know of will be open this late. Want a hot dog?” I paused and thought to myself,

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