36.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 36

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I will always love you chapter: 36 Michael POV

"Great, I just wanted to prepare you!" She said laughing. I forced a chuckle and a smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna go EAT!" She yelled across, not using the walkie talkie. I really liked that about her, she was so spontaneous. The kind of girl that would wake up in the morning, and hop on a plane for some unscripted adventure. I see her and she just looks free... just letting herself shine no matter what people think.

"Me TOO!" I yelled back, surprising myself and her a little but. She... inspired me. She laughed and waved goodbye. I went downstairs feeling invigorated, like I could run a mile in a second! I smelled pancakes which made me feel even better. Mother had made them just the way I like, with the crisp around the edge. "Good morning." She said, kissing my cheek.

"Good morning mother." I said, hugging her.

"You look very happy." She chirped. I leaned on the counter picking apart a pancake and eating it in little bits. I only looked up and smirked at her while stuffing my mouth. Her eyes widened and brightened knowing what that meant as she said,

"What happened?" in a high pitched whisper.

"Nothing I only talked to her this morning."

"What! How? The phone didn't ring and I was on it or next to it all morning?"

"Walkie talkies..."

"Ooh, what did she say?"

"Nothing much, she was just reminding me of the movie tonight and telling me that Nelson is coming." Mother's face looked suspicious, but playful.

"So she invited another boy to see who would charm her better? Oh it reminds me of when I was a girl!" "No, no her sister invited him." She was almost bursting with excitement.

"It's a DOUBLE DATE!" I hadn't thought of it as a 'date' but... I guess it was.

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