74.) I Will Always Love You Chapter: 74

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I will always love you chapter: 74 Bina POV

A black SUV pulled up around front of the studio, and the driver got the doors for the people inside. I always thought that it was quite pretentious to have others open the car door for you. I mean if you can do it yourself, why not do it? A few tall men stepped out, clad in all black and sunglasses. They brushed past us, but one stopped and pulled his sunglasses off.

"Bina?" He said with excruciating surprise. I didn't bother to turn around and I said,

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I was a bit snarky about it because their whole entrance just turned me off. He said,

"It's me... Michael." I turned around slowly wishing that it wasn't him, but there he stood. The boy I mentally deemed pretentious just moments earlier. He said,

"What are you doing here?" In astonishment. He was acting as if he was the only one on the planet who goes to recording studios, and that infuriated me even more. I blew up and said,

"I'M working. But what are you doing here? Aren't you Berry Gordy's golden boy? Why aren't you at your own record label, you know Motown? Or have you forgotten about that too?" I could feel my face growing hot at my frustration with him.

"No..." Michael said quietly, barely shaking his head. I was going a bit too hard because Nelson wrapped an arm around my shoulder and whispered,

"C'mon, let's go," as he pulled me towards the car.

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