13.) I will always love you chapter: 13

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I will always love you part: 13

Michael POV

I decided to let it go. It's not like she's my girlfriend or anything, so I can just deny it when Jermaine asks. The only problem with this is that I had a tiny feeling that said that I wanted her to be something more... I couldn't shake it. But I will deal with that when I get there. I need to keep in mind my main focus, my work. Girls can wait. Girls will have to wait. I sighed at my conclusion,

"I guess I'm not going to the movie then huh?" I said to my reflection in the mirror.

*at night*

I went up to my room with some tape and I put up my posters that Kalyani had given to me. I then got ready for bed, but a soft yellow light poured in through the window from outside. I walked to my window to see where it was coming from. When I looked I filled with butterflies. I saw her leaning over her balcony looking past everything. It was as if no problem in the world was troubling her. She looked so serene. Then the wind blew her hair off of her face and I was smitten. I stared for a few minutes until she stood up, brushed her clothes and walked back inside. At that moment my mind was changed and I knew that I was definitely going to see that movie next week.

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