“Sorry for waiting is there anything that we can help you with?” I overheard them.

              “Umm no… I was wondering if Sydney is back.”

Oh no... His voice…. It sounded like Murphy’s.

              “Oh yes she’s fine… who are you anyway?”

              “Oh yes I forgot to introduce myself. Pardon me for being so impolite. My name is Adam Murphy. And I’m your daughter’s boyfriend.”

              “BOYFRIEND? HOW COULD YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND? I NEVER KNEW YOUR NAME UNTIL LIKE JUST NOW!” I was so mad, so angry I could have shred him into pieces.

 “Oh… Is that your car out there? Murphy? That’s your family name?” My parents asked curiously             

              “Yeah... I’m the son of Mary Murphy. A talk show hostess if you haven’t ever heard about her”

That explains almost everything. The car, the house, everything. Everything is just so expensive.

              “Sorry to interrupt but I’m not your girlfriend!”

              “Well then can I have my keys back?”

              “FINE! Here!”

He was off with his convertible. Mom and Dad were laughing when they’re walking in. I was trying to calm myself down to continue the conversation.

              “What was that all about?” Mom asked

              “Well you know, guys, me. But that’s not what I want to talk about”

              “Sure, what do you want to talk about?”

              “About the Mecca incident”

Mom does her signature eye rolling and Dad just laughed out loud.

              “What?” I asked “What is so funny about that?”

              “Darling, that’s the only thing people are talking, the nuclear radiation, and blah-blah-blah” Mom said.

              “Enjoy your life, if it’s time for you to die, than greet death as an old friend” My father said

              “It’s not about that; I’m the one who is responsible for all this”

They all laughed! Great! I’m not just an international unknown terrorist; I’m also a talented comedy stand up!

              “You’re so hilarious, a cute guy not to mention rich just showed up in front of our house, saying that you’re his girlfriend and you said NO! I’m not his girlfriend… ha ha! We all know that you’re lying! I can see it through your eyes; you drive his car, which means you were in his house, which means you spent the night there! Just one night with him can turn you this crazy HAHAHA!” My dad said to me with full of energy like I’m joking

              “I’m not lying!” I yelled

              “Look! She’s lying again!” the both continued laughing

              “Well then it seems like you need a proof…. Let me proof that to you. In front of you there will be a pot of gold.”

              “You’re kidding right, because if you are that would be hil-a-rious!

Magically, a pot of gold appeared before them and they froze. They’re eyes stared at me… I thought that I would be grounded, but instead they started laughing again.

              “I can’t take it anymore!”  I rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a knife, bringing them back with me to the family room, where they’re still laughing. And In front of them I stabbed myself. Right in the chest where the heart is.

I could hear my mom shrieked, she was in a total panic that the tears of joy now become the tears of sadness. Dad called 911 and I could feel the heat. I heard my mom cry. I fell to the ground with a thud. And everything just goes black after that.

              My name is Sydney

              I’m fifteen years old

              I’m an unknown international terrorist

              No one would take me seriously

              No one could ever fix me

              This curse has finally found the end

              No one could use me

              I regret ever being born

              I never said goodbye to them

              To my parents

              To my 3 best friends

              I never shared love with my boyfriend-to-be Adam Murphy

              I am Sydney

              And I am officially dead

              Or am I?

              At least that’s what my parents thought at first, what people thought, what I thought. 

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