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Jennifer's POV.

"Fuck this!"

I just threw a file with all the things I needed to study for my finals. I was three weeks away from taking my very last finals, like...I wouldn't have to take any more finals in my whole life right after that... How exciting is that? I was very excited to be honest...but...I was not in the mood to sit my ass here and learn 200 pages about bullshit I already knew. I was a pretty great student, I always, or at least almost always, got the best grade, it doesn't matter what it is, I always did. Not to brag or anything, but it's true.

Why am I here for? — I ask myself that, every single time, mostly when I was struggling with calculus. Jesus that's like going to hell and trying to find a way out. However, I started going to tutoring and worked my ass off, I became the smartest person in my calculus class, same with statists and the rest of those others subjects that are really painful for me to even bring up.

But I was here now, three weeks away from finals and pretty much about to be done forever, hold on, I mean, with finals. I was just a few weeks away from getting my bachelor on Business Management. I giggle every time I just even mention it. It wasn't what I truly wanted, but having a family like mine...I couldn't even decide such a thing as what to have for breakfast which was pretty crazy, and I didn't realize how much until I was like eighteen, and I kind of stood up for myself — didn't work with me trying to convince my dad to let me do whatever I wanted to, to be honest I didn't even know what I wanted to do after high school, I was so sure I wanted to get my shit together and get a higher degree, but...I didn't know what I wanted so I guess that's why it was so easy for him to persuade me.

"I'm gonna pick a few careers I'm sure you'll like, you look them up and pick the one you feel more attracted too, that's my deal, take it or..." he paused and I just narrowed my eyes, he was pretty strict and sometimes he would say things he didn't mean to...I guess. "Or what?" I tried him, lowkey I was scared to death he would get mad or something, he was pretty awful when he got mad. "Or pick your things up and go do whatever you want, but out of my house" My mouth dropped, I was a kid, I was seventeen, I was scared he would actually kick me out and so I just panicked. Now that I replay that scene in my mind, I should've picked the second option, work my ass off and get my own stuff. I was a kid, a spoiled one, and I knew I wouldn't give myself the life he gave me if I dropped everything.  I just nodded and gave in, I picked the less horrible career and that was it. Just to make him happy, as usual. "I will take it, but I will take a year... a year off after high school" — to make a long story short, he let me have my year off and then I got in and started this crazy journey.

Part of me love it, I made some really good friends and met pretty amazing people through it all. Yeah I wasn't a fan of numbers but I did amazing, I worked truly hard and ended up being pretty good at it.

College has been a very eventful part of my life, yes, but I was ready for it to end. I needed some outside work, I needed to put all these years of studying, into action. I was ready to take these finals and graduate and be out of there. I could feel myself getting sick of it, I couldn't spend another minute of my life studying— so with that being said, I stood up from my desk and walked over to where my file was, I picked it from the floor taking a few pages that got out of it, and came back to my usual spot as I started reading them, over and over for the rest of the day.

It was probably around 10:00PM and I was still sitting there.

"I can't believe you are still there" "Jesus Christ! you scared the shit out of me- my god..." I placed my hand over my chest trying to calm my heart which was about to break out of my chest. Alessia giggled, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but damn Jen, take a break...finals are in three weeks and you've been studying for over two months already. That's like a lot" she said and sat down on my bed. "Ally, come on...you know how it is, we go through this every single night" I made a face and she nodded, "Exactly! Don't you get tired? Let's go out, do something. You missed Josh's party the other day because of calculus 2" "It was actually because of statistic-" "I don't care! That's not my point, oh my god you're such a nerd" she said all frustrated. I giggled and took my glasses off, "That's not true, I would go with perfectionist...I just want this to be absolutely perfect" I pouted. "Your grades are always perfect, that's not gonna change. My point is...you already know all of that, you were giving lessons the other day, I mean come on..." She was right but... "Yeah but still...I gotta check on everything and you should start doing it too" I finally said and turned my chair around and put my glasses back on focusing on my thing again, well, kinda. "Where were you anyway?" "I was with Matt..." "What were you doing?" I asked and smirked to myself. "We were just...watching a movie" she said and I turned around looking at her over my glasses, "That's how they call it nowadays." I teased and she giggled staring down at her phone screen. "No comments. You hungry? I'll go get pizza" "I'm starving, you're such a lifesaver" I yelled throwing my hands in the air and she laughed, "Always...I'll be back in a few" she said before walking out and leaving me to continue with my file filled with stuff I needed to read.

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