Chapter 73

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"I'm not ready for this." Camila gulped as the two girls stood in front of the school, students piling in begrudgingly. "Nor am I. But we have to Camz." Lauren said, taking in a slow breath. "Yeah." Camila held out her hand and Lauren took it and squeezed it. "Let's go in, before we change our minds and leg it." Lauren couldn't help but chuckle at Camila. "Alright." As the two girls entered the school hand in hand, they felt several pairs of eyes on them with a few failed whispers accompanying them. Maybe they were meant to hear them. "Did you hear about Normani Kordei?" "Yeah dude, sucks for those losers." Lauren squeezed Camila's hand tighter. "Ignore them Lauren. It's not worth it." Camila said lowly. "Shame she's dead huh." "Nah. She deserved to die." "Lauren no." Camila said when she saw Lauren getting angry. "Yeah. She was a fat cow anyway." Lauren growled and dropped Camila's hand. "That's it!" "Lauren!" Camila tried to hold her back as she tried to swing at the first girl who said she deserved to die. "Could everyone please report to the great hall for an assembly immediately." The tannoy echoed in the halls. Lauren and Camila looked at each other. "That doesn't normally happen first day back." Camila furrowed her eyebrows. "No, it doesn't." "Are you calm?" "No, but this will hopefully distract me." Lauren sighed. "Let's go." Camila looked up at a big screen with a picture of Normani smiling. "Lauren look." Lauren looked over and her jaw dropped. "Oh shit." "Take your seats students. Let's get started." The principal announced. "Normani Kordei was a hard working student. She was a good dancer, and we knew her well." Lauren squeezed her hands into fists. "No they didn't!" "She died a couple of days ago, so I'm told." "How did they know? We didn't tell anyone!" Camila whispered into Lauren's ear. "Now if we could all lower our heads and-" Lauren stood up and made her way over the the stage angrily. "Shit. Wait Lauren!" Camila tried to reach out and stop the girl but she was too late. Lauren was too far away. Lauren stormed up on the stage and snatched the microphone from the principal. "This is bullshit! This is all so fucking fake! You didn't know her! You didn't know Normani like Camila and I did! You didn't know her at all! You didn't lose anyone important to you! She was just a random person to you assholes! Look at you all," "Miss Jauregui!" "your fake sad faces and pitying looks when you're just going to go home and forget about this-about her! My best friend!" Camila ran to the stage and held Lauren's shoulders, turning her around to hold her as she sobbed. "You can take yourself straight to detention Miss Jauregui." Camila scoffed. "She's grieving. You can't send her to detention for fucking grieving!" "You can go with her, Cabello." "You know what? Fine. It's better than being stuck in here with all you assholes!" "Miss Cabello-" "No I don't care! I do not care in the slightest." "Do you two want expulsion?" "At this point I don't give a shit, I just want my best friend back." "You know what, throw whatever the fuck you want at us, it could never hurt as much as this!" Lauren shouted in the principal's face. "That's it, get the hell out of my school. You two are expelled and I'm phoning your parents." "Fine!" Camila shouted. "I never liked this place anyway." Lauren hissed, turning around to the shocked faces of the full hall. "It's full of wankers!" "Come on Lauren, let's get out of this dump." Camila huffed and pulled her out of the hall and out of the school gates. "Expelled on the first day back. That's gotta be some kind of record." Lauren joked as she wiped her eyes, though more tears kept coming. "We're screwed when our parents get called." Camila scoffed. "I know." Lauren groaned. "But let's not think about that, let's go somewhere today. Somewhere away from everything, any ideas Camz?" "Uh...the lake." "What lake?" "Mani and I went there one time when her Mom and Dad were fighting. She called me and asked if we could find somewhere quiet, and we found that lake." "Where is it?" "I'll direct you if you don't mind driving." "Sure. Can I pick up my motorcycle?" Lauren asked. "Since when do you have one of those?" "An old friend of mine, Matty, gave it to me last week, he got a new one and gave to me as a late birthday present." "Oh cool." "Yeah, but it's in the garage of my house. How do we get it without anyone seeing us?" Camila shrugged. "We'll find a way. Come on." "Okay, I'll get the motorcycle, you wait around the corner." Lauren instructed Camila and with all the luck in the world, she got it out and brought it over to Camila. "Hop on, Cabello." Camila smirked. "As you wish, badass Jauregui." "So," Lauren pushed back the stand and turned back to look at Camila. "Which way?"

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