Chapter 57 :)

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*Thursday, day 76*

-Niall's P.O.V- 

Stupid camp shit keeping me away from my Maddie when there is so little time left. Until Saturday the camp is split in two groups, boys and girls. The worst part is that we see them over that darn white line.

We're all camping in tents in the middle of the green field and the 'grown ups' have made a white ling straight through it. Girls are on the North side, boys on the South side. We can go to the line, but not cross it or even talk to someone there. They even have people standing guard.

So now we're all kind of moping. Louis is the worst. He won't stop moving and he's mumbling to himself about how he's worried about Meg.

"Lou." Harry said, stopping Louis from moving by putting his hands on our friend's shoulders.


"Relax. Meg has been doing great. She has her bestfriends over there, they'll take care of her and won't let anything happen while you're here. If anything, I think this'll be good for her. She can't depend too much on you, mate. You're gonna be traveling a lot and you won't be with her every waking second, so she has to get used to you not being around all the time." He said, for once in his life, he was being weirdly smart.

Louis frowned and then huffed and let his head fall on Harry's shoulder. He was defeated.

"But what if s-"

"No." Zayn cut him off shaking his head.

"But she m-"

"Shut up." Ed cut him off this time, looking slightly amused.

"No, but she alw-"

"Louis, shut your mouth. This is going to be a no girl time. Only us guys until midnight on Sunday, got it?" I asked him. He pouted for a second, then sat down indian style and nodded.

"No girls for 4 days, got it." He said and he smiled. Ed exhailed.

"Finally, mate. I've been without my girlfriend for three months and you're moping after 10 minutes." Ed said, rolling eyes, but he still smiled.

"Oh you're just jealous, alright." Haz said.

"Actually, yes. I'm jealous. I miss my girlfriend to no end, but you've got to have yours here the whole time." Ed said with a childish pout.

"Hello-o. This is still girls. Let's talk abouuuuut... Getting a pet." I said with a small shrug and leaned back on my arms in the grass.

"A pet? What kinda animal?" Liam asked.

"I want a cat." Harry said, making us all roll our eyes.

"You have a cat at your mum's.... I was thinking something like a monkey." I said and Zayn smirked.

"Yeah, I support you on that one. Ever sinceI watched Hangover, I've wanted a monkey like that." Zayn said, making us chuckle.

"You know he was a drug dealer or something, right?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, whatever. He was a badass, monkey, alright." Zayn said and that's how our conversation continued about us adopting a tour monkey.

-Maddison's P.O.V- 

"Wait, so you're moving to London?" I asked Megan while combing a comb though her hair. She nodded, still not talking much. "That's so cool. Have you told Louis?" I asked and she smiled, nodding. "I bet he was super happy."

"He was." She said barely over a whisper.

"Does anyone else know what they're going to do after summer camp?" I asked and put the comb down and then straightened my legs out on each side of Megan and began splitting her hair up into sections so I could braid her hair.

"Well, I've been thinking..." Ever said, trailing off while she let Jessica do her hair. She had Miley in front of her again and she was fiddling with her short blonde hair.

"What?" Selena asked eagerly. 

"Would it be really stupid of me to move to England as well? I mean, I've got a school that has been begging me to come there since I started high school and I was thinking about opening an animal shelter. It's a boarding school, so I could live on campus if I wanted to. Do you think that would freak Liam out, or something? Me moving there..." She said. Her cheeks were a cute red and she looked down at her lap.

"I wouldn't mind you moving there. At least I know someone." Megan said, giving her a smile. Ever grinned back.

"I think it would be good for you. Starting fresh, moving away from your old town. Do you want to move to England, go to that school and open that shelter?" Demi asked and Ever nodded. "Then do it. Don't think too much about Liam. If he thinks you're too much, tell him why you want to do it. You want to go to that school, you want to open an animal shelter, you want to move away from your old life. Don't let a boy control your life, Ever."

"Well I've been getting different offers around about my swimming. My best one was to present Ireland in the next Olympics." I said and everyone gasped.

"Oh my God, that's great, Maddie!" Al said and jumped to give me a hug. 

"I know. I just... I'm really nervous. What if I'm not really that good. The Olympics is a huge deal." I said, but Meg actually rolled her eyes.

"Well, you're a huge deal, Mads. You're really good, don't think othervise." She said and I gave her a hug from behind her after fastening her braid with an elastic.

"What are your plans, Jess?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know. Julia is healthy again and she's in school. I'm not sure what I wanna do yet, though." She sighed, looking kind of embarrassed.

"Well, it's all up to you, hon." Miley said, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Thanks, Miley." Jess smiled. "What about you, Alison?"

"Well, I've made this deal with my mom. She said if I promise to take over the Summer Camp, she'll let me do whatever I want, unless it's fighting. So... I was thinking... Harry has been hinting to the fact that he needs a new trainer, cause they've all got one or two personal trainers with them and his last one just got pregnant, so she's off and she said she wouldn't come back, so... I was thinking about asking for the job. I will get to travel the world, continue with training and I'll get to be with Harry. I'll see my mom for three months every summer and I'll probably meet you guys once in a while. I'll bug the lads when they're Skyping you all or something." Al said.

"Awww! We definately won't lose contact, that's for sure!" I exclaimed and we all nodded in agreement.

"I thought that was decided the first day we got here. This is a friend for life type of relationship, you know." Megan said, making us all grin, then we squealed and huddled together in a group hug.

"I love you guys so much!" Selena exclaimed and we giggled.

"Love you too!" We shouted in unison and then slowly released each other, but we sat close and huddled together.

"You know, it's only 17 days left of the summer and it makes me really upset-" I started and felt Meg and Demi squeeze one of my hands each. "-but it also makes me think about the fact that I know I'll have you all not only for these 17 days, but also after them. I know you all can talk to me whenever and it would just make me happy, so I'm both nervous and excited about when we leave. We're gonna split up, but we will always be together, right?" I asked and they nodded.

"Forever and always, girlie. It's a vow." Miley said and put her hand out. We all giggled and piled out hands in the middle of our little cirle and then nodded and smiled.

"Forever and always." We repeated as a vow and then pulled our hands back.

"Oh Jesus, I'm hungry!" I moaned, ruining the emotional and sentimental talk we had been having. Everyone just burst out laughing though. I did get food as well.

SUMMER CAMP!? (One Direction / Ed Sheeran) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now