Chapter 41 :)

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I've been away this weekend and didn't have my computer OR internet *gasp* :O

How did I survive!?

Anywaaaays... It was fun meeting the Americano friends and their daughters again, tomorrow I'm sadly going to a funeral...

Never been to one, but I'm not looking forward to it, she was like a great grandma to me :(

So yeah, not exactly rainbows and ponies going on right now...

I'll give you a update though, hope you like it.

Love you all, my beautiful readers!!

-Dagny xx


*Monday, day 46*

-Liam's P.O.V- 

"GOD, CAN YOU FUCKING HELP ME!?" I yelled at the sky, throwing my hands in the air, feeling really really fucking desperate to get away from this shiz!

I swear this girl is every boy's WORST nightmare, or at least any sane boy's nightmare.

"Liaaaaam, did you call me?" My eyes widened in horror and I ran and hid behind a tree. She giggled and then you heard her sing some creepy ass song. "Oh, are we playing hide and go seek?"

I pressed myself against the back of the tree, my heart nearly beating out of my chest.

I held my breath and felt myself become dizzy after a while like that, I bet my face is turning purple. I'd rather faint from loss of oxygen, then to be with h- Nevermind, I don't wanna imgaine what she'd do to me if I was unconscious. 

I shuddered and let out a breath and just then a tiny had wrapped around my wrist and I was yanked away from the tree.

"Hi, sushybushy." She cooed and poked my nose, then giggled. Lulu interwined out hands, when I tried to take my hand away, she gave me this look that nearly had me crying. 

Fuck she's scary. I swear, she looks harmless with those blonde pig tails and big blue eyes, but GOD! I can't be alone for more then 30 seconds, then she's there.

What if I'm taking a shit? Okay, no, I'm not gonna talk about that. Nevermind, I never thought that...

"Come ooo-on, we're taking bath together." She batted her eyelashes and began skipping, swinging our hands back and forth. "SKIP." She said with a very low and threatning voice. 

I nodded quickly and awkwardly began skipping.

See what I'm talking about? If anyone likes her, I swear they belong in the looney bin!

She began humming happily and then pulled me to where we had found water and pulled her light yellow summer dress -she only wears those- over her head and stretched a bit.

She then up to me and literally flung my clothes off, nearly throwing me on the ground along with the fabric.

She then took my hands in a death grip and pulled me into the water, which isn't too bad of a temperature on.

Yay, something positive!

"Sushybushy, when are we gonna get married? I've been waiting for you to propse all this time." She said, her eyes even watered as she put her arms around my neck.

My eyes widened as I looked down at her.



What the hell!?

"Uh... E-er.... Lulu I-"

"Lulibear." She cut me of sternly. I nervously nodded and gave her a shaky smile.

"Lulibear?" She nodded, smiling brightly again, everything forgiven. "I don't know you."

Her head tilted to the side and she honestly looked confused.

"Of course you do, we're in love." She giggled and then clung onto me and kissed my jaw.

Oh no...

I tensed and totally froze when her legs wrapped around my waist and she reached her hands behind her back and took her bra off.

"Please, don't..." I begged her quietly, but she bit her lip.

"Okay, I won't tease you, sushybushy." She cooed again and her bra was flung on the grass and she out her hands on my chest. I didn't look, not even peak.

I tried to push her away nummrous times but the only thing she did was grip tighter onto me and dig her nails and heels into my skin. 

I know she's drawing blood with those claws.

"Lu...libear... Please stop, this isn't right." I begged her and tried once again to get her off, but quickly stopped, because SHIT does it hurt!

"But I love you. We're gonna make love." She said and then pecked my lips.

I want to cry. SHE'S CRAZY!

"No, we can't." I really don't wanna hurt her, yes, she's crazy, but I honestly think she's in love with me. I don't wanna break her heart!

"Why not?" She blinked a bit, then rubbed my shoulders, so I tried pushing again, only to get her claws dug into my skin again.

"Because... Er..." Think, Liam! "We don't have... Protection." That sounded reasonable, right? Right? I hope so...

"Of course we don't, you sillt goose." THANK YOU GOD! Finally something is going my way, y- "We're gonna make babies."


FUCK! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! 

Okay, I have to catch her off guard, then run the hell away from her, that sounds like a good, plan, right?

"Uhm... Of course, baby. Babies, why didn't I think of that, love?" I said, acting with her her blue eyes lit up.

She then kissed me and her hands still had a good grip on my shoulders.

I have to get her legs and arms off me.

I forced myself to respond to her kiss and walked with her to the grass. I layed her down on her back and went all in on this act. I better do my best to try and convince her I'm into this, then run for my life.

I sucked in air through my nose when her legs tightened around my waist, but her hands went to my boxers. She pulled them down, then forcefully yanked them down.

Yeah, I'm not even a bit aroused, so... No excitement downstairs.

I quickly left her lips, scared I'd throw up in her mouth. I strategically kissed her neck instead. I shut my eyes tightly, silently praying to God, saying all the things my mother taught me and apologizing for every shitty thing I've ever done, hoping it would somehow help me.

I swear, I'm never gonna do anything wrong again, or, I'm at least gonna try.

I don't know how, but she managed to get completely naked and that really scared me.

It wouldn't be surprising if this girl was a kick-boxer or something, cause she's really strong and actually has a lot of prominent muscles.

"Come on, sushybushy, I'm ready for you." She said breathlessly. Okay, this is my only chance.

I swear I'm not proud of what I did neck, but I have to admit I was glad I did it.

Without any warning I plunged my, rather impressive sized, penis into her. She literally screamed in pleasure, her head falling back and all her limbs flew loosened in surprise. I then jumped up and grabbed a towel that was laying there, wrapping it around my waist as I fleed for my life.

"Please, dear God, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for all the bad things I've done, just please keep her away from me." I whispered and kept running.

"SUSHYBUSHY!" Thank you God, not the sarcasm. I actually began crying a bit.

She's so fucking scary.

SUMMER CAMP!? (One Direction / Ed Sheeran) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now