Chapter 33 :)

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*Saturday, day 30*

-Harry's P.O.V- 

"Come on, Zayn. Just give us something." Eleanor said, tapping her pen. 

"What?" Zayn looked around confused. This has been going on for like an hour now. We ask him a question, it goes a while, then he just says what and get confused.

"Zayn?" I took his shoulders now, loosing my patience.

"Hm?" He looked me in the eyes.

"Tell me, how is Jessica?" I asked and he flinched a bit, his bottom lip trembling.

"She's beautiful." He said weakly. It's just me and Eleanor here. We're sitting with him, trying to get some info out of him. We're really trying to find out what she likes from him. Eleanor says that Niall won't get the real deal, we'll have to get it from him. 

"Why?" I asked him and he looked over my face a bit.

"Because of the way she smiles to me. It's a really pretty smile. She has dimples, like you, Harry. She doesn't like her dimples, she think they're ugly, but I like them. I also like her face when she sleeps. She always has this little pout or when she's holding my hand." Zayn then looks down and folds his hands. "She'd always pull my middle finger a bit, or play with my thumb. We like the same movies, I really like scary movies and so does she. Jessica just likes them because she can cuddle." For the first time, his lips twitched up for a second, then went beck to neautral.

"Anything else?" I asked him, seeing how Eleanor looked at him with such an adoring expression.

"I like how she talks so passionately about Julia. H-"

"Who's Julia?" Eleanor now piped in, getting ready to write.

"Her sister. Julia is her sister. Julia is 23 and Jessica thinks she's sick." Zayn said slowly, looking a bit sad about that.

"How sick?" 

"Dying. Jessica is scared she's gonna die and leave her like her parents. Her parents are dead and her sister sent her here so she doesn't have to watch her dying. They don't have money for a doctor or a proper place, so she can't any treatment or find out what's wrong." Zayn said and me and Eleanor locked eyes, then smiled.

"Okay, do you wanna tell me more about Jessica?" I asked Zayn and nodded to El, she can go and tell the others.

-Eleanor's P.O.V- 

I ran out the door with the piece of paper. I'm not much of a runner, but even I can't be angry at Zayn. He is so torn. He's just.... He's not hanging in there anymore. He's just slipping away from us all and I'm pretty sure Jessica can hardly get him back.

"Liam! Louis!" I yelled and saw Niall as well. "Niall!" They turned to me and sat up a bit. They were seated, slowly spinning in a cariousell. "Julia. Jessica has an older sister Julia, who's sick, but they don't have money to see a doctor." I said, placing the paper in Liam's hand. He read and then slowly nodded.

"Okay, so we'll get Julia some help and an apartment, maybe get her into college?" Louis asked and I nodded. 

"Something like that." I said and they smiled a bit, hope coming to them as well.

"I really hope this works." Niall said and we nodded. 

"I'm gonna go see Mary Holmes and get her number and address, okay?" I said and they nodded. I smiled, then went to the place where she is. I knocked on the door and she opened, smiling when she saw me.

"Oh, Eleanor. Come in." I smiled and walked in with her. "What can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering what the cell number and address of Julia Jamieson was?" I said and she looked confused for a bit, but then went and found some folders.

"I've seen Louis being a lot with the girls in my daughters cabin, so I trust you have good intentions." She said, handing me a paper. I thanked her, then went back to the boys. I handed it to them.

"Perfect, thank you, El." Louis gave me a friendly smile and I felt my heart drop in disappoint ment, but smiled back smally. 

-Liam's P.O.V- 

"Hello?" There was a horrible cough on the other side of the phone and I cringed.

"Uhm... Hi, is this Julia?" I asked her carefully.

"Y-yes... This is she, may I help you with something?" She asked weakly.

"Maybe... I'm a friend of Jessica's." There was a gasp and then coughing again.

"Oh my God, she actually got friends." The shock was real and very surprising.

"A lot of them actually. But er... you see... I'm totally honest here." I then explained the whole thing with Zayn and her and how he is and how she is and how horrible we feel for doing what we did and she listened, only givng small, 'yes', 'mhm', or 'I understand'. "Soo, yeah... Since you're kind of the most important thing to her, we thought we could maybe get you help and then get you here. We can even let you meet Zayn before you decide to actually help us with him." 

"Wait, you wanna help me? Us?" She asked slowly.

"Yeah. He's like our brother and watching him like this, it's killing us all. We also know Zayn means a lot to Jessica, Niall has told us." I said heard some suffling.

"Well, I'd love to get help, cause these blankets aren't working anymore." She said, her voice weak.

"Okay, we'll call someone right away and they'll come and help you, okay? Then you'll come here. Meet your sister and maybe Zayn."

"Yeah, okay. Thank you, Liam. I hope you get Ever back, I'm rooting for you all." She said, making me chuckle.

"Thank you, stay strong, Julia." I heard her laugh lightly, then said good-bye. I hung up and gave them all nodds. They cheered and hugged each other.

Holy moses, I really hope this works. If it does, at least we've got one of five again and I believe Jessica is the one we all actually need, cause she's basically the only hope we have for Zayn, expet for the nut house...

Which isn't even an option! Not. At. All.

SUMMER CAMP!? (One Direction / Ed Sheeran) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now