Chapter 35 :)

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*Sunday, day 38*

-Jessica's P.O.V- 

Yeah, I was shocked to see Julia, but Zayn...

He looked like shit.

He just sarted crying and his arms were horrible. He was skinnier and his eyes were dark, bags under his eyes. His eyes were also red and puffy and tears came when he saw me. He also began shaking with sobbs.

"What's go-oh..." Maddie said, seeing Zayn there. Everyone slowly came and everyone nearly crying seeing him that down. Julia somehow took charge between this all and I ended up standing there alone, the door closed, cause she has pushed everyone inside.

I slowly stepped closer to him. He was pretty much forcing himself to look at me, to see I was really there. 

I came close enough to touch him, so I hesitantly put my hand on his cheek, making him only tear up more. I bit my lip and watched him, so broken and confused. 

"J-Julia said you could take the itch away." He spoke weakly. It was like a little boy. He held his arms out to me, he was all bloody and scarred. "Please help me." He whimpered and looked at me with pleading brown eyes.

I let a tear slip my eye as well and whiped his cheeks. I slowly nodded and bit my lip. He looked so helpless right then. I bent my knees and then brought him into ym arms. I hugged him and rugged his back. Zayn clung onto me right away, crying into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Zayn said, whimpering with his cries. "I'm so so sorry." He just kept apologizing while crying and holding me.

"It's okay, Zayn." I whispered but he shook his head.

"I'm sorry." 

I never knew he'd take it this badly. Sure, I knew he was a sensitive boy, but this sensitive? That was a surprise.

"I love you." My heart twisted at his change of words suddenly. I moved my right hand from his back and soothingly dragged my fingers through his hair. It instantly relaxed him as his apologies started to fade and soon he was quiet. His face was in my neck and he still held me though.

I began pulling away, but he whimpered and when I looked at his face, his bottom lip trembled again.

"Hey, hey.. Shh..." I said and gave him a small smile. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm okay. We're okay." I said slowly, like I was talking to a child. Zayn still held onto me, needing to touch me somehow.

"You're so beautiful." He said out of the blue. I gave him a small smile though.

"Thank you, Zayn." I said and stroked his cheek. Zayn closed his eyes and leaned into my palm as I caressed his stubbled face. "Lets go inside, you look tired." I noted. He nodded and slowly stood up, his knees wobling a bit when we began walking. I frowned when I noted how much skinner he looked. "Have you been eating?"

Zayn looked away from my eyes now. I sighed and put my arm around his slightly thinner waist and opened the door. All sounds of talking inside disappeared as I walked inside with the frail boy. They watched us quietly as I went over to my bed. I helped him crawl in and then looked back at him. He wouldn't close his eyes no matter how often I tried him to go to sleep.

"But what if you leave?" He spoke up and I looked at him now. He won't go to sleep because he can't see if I leave?

That's gonna make it very hard to sleep. 

I sighed before climbing into bed as well. I went to beside him and then slowly pulled him into my arms, letting him wrap his arms around me as well and rest his head on my chest. I watched interested as he relaxed and slowly his breathing became slower and he fell asleep.

He didn't make a sound exept breathing. I now took my time and looked at his arms properly.

"Can someone give me a bandage?" I asked, looking at the girls now. Alison nodded and went to fetch the first-aid kit. She came back with it soon, then pulled out what I needed to clean his arms and some bandages.

I very carefully cleaned his arms. It looked like he was too tired to notice anything exept me moving. I then put clean white bandages around his arms and hid away all the scratch marks.

"So you're fine now?" I asked Julia and she nodded.

"Yes, I have to go now though." She gave me an apologetic look. I sighed and gave her the best hug I could. "Take care of him, he really doesn't mean you any harm." She whispered. I nodded and then she had to go. I looked at the boy and swiped some hair from his face, then leaned to him and slowly kissed both his cheeks.

"Did you know Perrie left a while ago?" Alison asked me as they slowly huddled into the bed, but kept their distance, so no one would disturb Zayn.

"No, did she?" I asked them, honestly not having a clue about it.

"Yeah, she had enough of how Zayn kept going out every night and came back in not going to bed either. He wouldn't eat more then maybe a piece of bread a day and would nearly always space out and do something while he did. He even stabbed the table through a plate once. Also he'd just randomly start crying and look all lost. He wouldn't even notice what he was doing with his arms." Meg said, pointing to his bandaged arms.

I raked through his dark and slightly damp hair, my heart clenched when tears began streaming down his cheeks. He didn't wake up or make a sound, tears just ran down his cheeks.

"We'll go to the other girls for the night." Maddie said and leaned over to give me a hug. I had sat up now, his head in my arms and his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, okay. Good night." I smiled smally and resieved hugs from them all before they grabbed their duvets and walked out.

I sat there in silence for a bit, just stroking his hair and watching him. Fianlly I got enough of the tears that wouldn't stop running down his cheeks.

"Zayn." i said carefully and kept stroking his hair. "Zayn, wake up." This time a spoke a bit louder. I shook him a bit and his grip on me tightened right away. 

"Hm?" I let out a sigh in relief and then leaned down and kissed away his tears. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked him quietly. Zayn's eyes soon opened and he looked up at me. 

"I... My dreams..." He stopped himself, not knowing how to say this.

"What? Please tell me." I caressed his cheek and he closed his eyes and leaned into my palm.

"A-after you and Niall became friends, I always you two in my dreams." He said weakly and I knitted my eyebrows together. "Together. I'm always there, begging you to stop, but you won't stop." He said and that's when I realised what he was talking about.

He dreamt about me and Niall... going at it. Wow, that's some very unrealistic dreams he has there.

"Don't worry, Niall and I are only friends. We barely give hugs. You're the only one I've ever been remotedly close to like that." I said and he looked up at me, blinking once in a while.

"You promise?" I nodded.

"I promise." I assured him and then he lifted up his right hand and held out his pinky.

"Pinky promise?" I couldn't help but giggle at how cute that was. I laughed litly and hooked my pinky in his.

"Pinky promise."

SUMMER CAMP!? (One Direction / Ed Sheeran) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now