Chapter 2

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Jessica's P.O.V

Thank the Lord because all the girls are very kind. We're all quite different, but, somehow, we complement each other. We have one thing in common so far, and it's the fact that we all love to sing and listen to music. Music is a big part of my life, so I'm very glad we have this in common.

"So, what are your favorite colors?" Alison asks us. "Mine is purple." This is how we've been getting to know each other. We ask a question but answer it ourselves before the rest.

"Mine is red. I used to have velvet red hair before," Maddison tells us. She has the most beautiful ginger hair, it's honestly to die for.

"Uhm... Probably turquoise," Megan answers next. I'm not surprised since she's such a cheerful person. Her favorite color basically matches her personality.

"Baby blue or pastel green," Ever replies. Honestly, she's the kindest and most adorable person I've ever met. A true sweetheart that no one can help but love.

"Mine is royal blue and wine red." I like dark colors. That's usually what I wear... Blacks and dark tones to match.

We kept going on and on with questions like that...

Alison's P.O.V

I'm relatively good at reading people and Jessica looks sad. I'm not sure what her story is but I'm positive something has happened in her past. I'll try to find out what is hurting her and when I do, I'll help her through it. I don't want to pry, though, but I still want to help her. No one should feel this sad all the time.

Since she'll be here for three months, this means I'll have ninety days to figure this all out, it should be plenty of time for me to aid her. In the three or four hours that we've been getting to know each other, I've learned a lot about these girls, and I'm really glad we're getting along so well. I've been to this summer camp for many years now, and my roommates aren't always too great.

I notice the time is now 5:25 pm, so I suggest getting some food because it's dinner time.

"YES! I'm starving," Maddison exclaims as she jumps up from the floor. "Eating is one of my favorite things to do," she says as she grins widely. She looks beyond ecstatic at the mention of food. These girls are honestly stunning, I'm almost a little intimidated.

"Come on then, girlies," I say, and we head to the cafeteria. When we get there, I see mom setting up the sound system. "Hi mom," I greet her and give her a small kiss on the cheek. "When are you going to introduce the celebrities?" Yes, there are celebrities here. I know who they are because I helped picking them. I'm not too excited about all of them, but mom said they'd be a big hit with most of the other campers.

"Yes yes, I'm going to do it now," mom says. I love my mom, she's super laid back and cool. I'm very lucky to have her in my life. "Everyone come to the cafeteria, we have a surprise," mom says into the intercom.

We get settled at a table and pile our plates full of pizza. Maddison eats around eight slices while I eat five. Pizza is my favorite food, so I always eat a lot of it.

"Attention everyone," mom says, drawing out attention. "I hope that everyone is here!" Mom's standing on the stage in the cafeteria. Since this camp is meant to support creativity, she has the stage here in hopes of people wanting to entertain during dinner and stuff. "So, the surprise is..." Dramatic effect. Now it's my turn.

My mom forced me to do this...

I walked up to the stage and took the microphone from mom's outstretched hand. I hate being on stage, so this is quite horrifying.

SUMMER CAMP!? (One Direction / Ed Sheeran) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now