(Too Much Love Will Kill You)

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"Hey, you ready?" I heard dad say from behind me, turning around away from the mirror I gave him a small nod. "I know you don't want to go and I still want to say sorry" Dad said softly, looking at my face.I made my way over and gave him a quick hug so he couldn't see the blurness of my tears in my eyes.

"It's ok dad you're doing it for the best anyway" I told him looking back at his face.He gave me a small smile and we both walked down the stairs. It's like my heart was taking it's time to break slowly so I could feel more of the pain....and....I didn't want that at all.

I saw mo standing at the bottom of the stairs smiling up at me.

"Guardate la mia figlia tutti cresciuti" (Look at my daughter all grown up). Mom said to me, I walked past dad and gave my mom a big hug. She hugged me back and I felt wetness on my shoulder. Great...now I don't think I'll be able to hold in the tears.

Wrapping my arms of mom, I wiped her tears with my hands.

"Let's go mom"


We all had on the graduation hats and cloaks and what not, I was waiting for my name to be called out. The girls already got there's and were waiting at the side smiling at me.

"April Keira Lily" The principal finally said. Walking forward a rush of nervousness hit me but I ignored the stares of the audience which included my parents and the rest of the neighbourhood. I took my certificate and shaked the principals hand walking awat towards the girls.

"Man you're gone red" Fiona said from beside me, I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arm around her shoulders at the same time.

"We're going to miss you so much April" Fiona said. I looked at her and she had a sad face on her. Gosh, I'm so depressed.

"I'm going to miss you too" I said with a broken voice. We all did a group hug as we all shed our tears of sadness.

"Ok let's not cry it's not like your never going to see us again" Hailey said from opposite me, I nodded my head and quickly wiped the tears that were on my cheek.

"Yeah Hailey's right I will see you guys one day and I promise that from the bottom of my heart" I told them truthfully.We did one last hug and I noticed that everyone else was done.

"Ladies and gentlemen this year's graduation!" The principal said. Me and the girls took our hats of and threw it in the air as people started clapping around us, everyone else's hats were flown up in the sky as well. Mine or someone else's came back down and landed in my hand. We all laughed and walked of the stage. I saw mom and dad smiling and waving at me from the distance, walking towards them Fiona was beside me as well.

"Come on let me take a picture" Dad said. All the girls came along as well and we stood in a row smiling at the camera as a couple of pictures were taken. "Mr Benson how you doing?" Dad said from beside me. Bryan. Turning around quickly I saw him smiling at my dad he looked at me and smiled as well. I haven't talked to Bryan since the Cameron thing it feels weird now. He walked towards us and I felt someone nudge me. Looking away from Bryan I saw that it was Fiona.

"You still haven't told him you know" She said whispering into my ear. Sighing I put the hat on my head and crossed my arms over my chest. Why is it that I have to always go through situations like this. 

"Congratulations girls" I heard Bryan say from beside me. How am I even supposed to say it to him? I'm not good at this stuff beacuse I've never exactly said it to someone's face yeah I say to Fiona and them lot but that's different. Wording it out and saying it in your mind are two different things.

"April" Breaking out of my thoughts and looking up everybody was staring at me. Feeling uncomfortable I looked at dad's face since he called my name.


"Mr Benson was asking if you wanted to take a picture with him" Dad said smiling at me. Looking at Bryan I saw that he was awaiting for my answer.

"Um...yeah...yeah sure why not" I said. Moving back Bryan stood beside me as our arms were against each other.

"April atleast smile" Dad said from behind the camera. Rolling my eyes I smiled widely like I would normally do and dad took the picture. Bryan moved away from me and put his hands in his pockets.

"April you have some of your books left in my class do you want to take them with you?" He asked looking me in the eye. This is my chance.

"Yeah I was going to ask you the other day as well" I told him, I looked at dad "Dad I'll be back in literally like five minutes" I told him. He nodded his head. Bryan walked ahead of me as I walked behind him, we walked towards the school doors as he opened it. I ran forwards slightly and catched up his pace. We both walked side by side in complete silence and the only noise that could be heard was the clinking sound of my heels on the floorboards. Bryan took out his keys and walked towards his classroom door unlocking it. Once the door was opened we both walked in as I closed the door behind me. Bryan's back was still facing towards me, he slowly turned around and looked at me sadly. He walked towards me and embraced me in a hug. Wrapping my own arms around his back I lay my head on his shoulder, I don't ever want to leave his arms. 

"Bryan I don't want to go" I mumbled softly into his shoulder.

"I know you don't April" He replied back smoothing my hair with his palm, he gently rocked me as I trembled. I don't want to go....I don't want to go. Now I know how David Tennant felt when he was regenerating as the tenth doctor. The same sadness, loneliness and hurt he was going through is what I am going through.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it" I heard someone say from behind me. Me and Bryan let go of each other as I saw that Caleb was standing by the door. He looked shocked and angry as he stared at both of us. He wasn't supposed to see that, now what am I going to do?  He's going to tell the whole world now...probably!

"Caleb you're getting the wrong idea" I said in a gentle tone. He broke his glare from Bryan and looked at me angrily.

"Oh so this is why you were so mad when I brought Cameron back.....you were with him all that time weren't you!" He yelled making his voice echo and repeat back into our ears.

"Caleb no it's not that you did it without my permission and it was wrong anyway!" I told him. He laughed slightly and looked towards the door. "Come in dude you should really see this" Caleb said to the door. Wait please don't say he brought Cameron! The person who walked through the door was none other than Cameron. Walking towards him I looked him in the eye as he looked at me sadly.

"Cameron what are you doing here? What if someone saw you?" I told him. He looked away from my gaze and over my head.

"Bryan" He said bitterly. Looking away from Cameron I looked at Bryan to see that he looked really confused.

"Ok what is going on here April? And why is Cameron still alive?" He said looking between us all. Just like Caleb was a few minutes ago.

"I'll tell you!" Caleb said walking towards him. Oh brother! "When you were being a big dick to April at the beginning of the year she was sad....you want to know why? Because Cameron died and you didn't care you just cared about yourself because you were just a little piece of shit. I felt bad so I decided to get a median and help bring back Cameron and I did. April was pissed of that I brought him back but Cameron told her everything and now I know why she was pissed of. Because she ended up with you....out of all people. Now I still don't know what she is doing with you when Cameron told her what exactly you did with him!" Caleb bellowed.

Bryan must have absorbed that in really quickly because he pushed Caleb out of the way and came towards me not breaking any eye contact.

"Did you believe everything Cameron told you?" He asked.


"No answer my question" He said sharply. I slowly nodded my head, Bryan walked away from me and stood across the room.

"Now you're gonna have to choose between them. It's either Cameron or Bryan. Which one?" Caleb said.

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