(One Way Or Another)

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English is so boring today it's just dragging on and on and on and on. Yes finally the bell is gone saving me from my misery. Before I got up a big folder was slammed onto y desk, I looked up to see Mr. Benson looking at me.

"April do you mind just arranging these files for me in alphabetical order?" He said.


"Great I'll write you a note f you are late to your next lesson" Great I don't even get to answer to this.

"But sir I've got maths revision next my exam is tomorrow I really need to go" He sighed and took the folder of my table.

"Consider this a happy birthday present from me" He said, I rolled my eyes and walked out of the classroom with Selena.

"Hey you guys" Hailey and Fiona turned around to smile at me.

"Come let's go one way or another" Selena said. One Direction time.

"It's either one way or another I'm going to see you I'm gonna get" Me and Selena started singing. We both laughed and walked forward with Fiona and Hailey at the back.

"I hate maths so much I'm going to flop it majorly" I told her, Selena nodded her head in agreement.

"Well hopefully we will get that C grade we want and stop worrying about it" I nodded my head as well. Yes hopefully we do at the end.

"April your boyfriend is here" I heard Hailey say. I turned around and saw Cameron walking towards me; I gave him a slight wave.

"We’ll see you in maths then" Selena said in my ear before walking off with the rest.

"Hey April" Cameron said coming to give me a hug.


"So I quickly wanted to tell you want to go out today"

"Yes sure why not" He gave me a bright smile and kissed my cheek.

"Great I’ll pick you up after school"

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