(Just A Dream)

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Slowly I feel my eyes peel open, it's not dark anymore...it's the complete opposite. I find myself squinting my eyes from the brightness. Bit by bit I open them to see I'm staring at a blank white ceiling. Where am I? I look around my surroundings to realise that I'm lying down on a bed but not just anyone bed; it looks like a hospital bed. My heart beat starts to quicken a little as I feel my palms starting to sweat. How did I get here?

"Dad" I croak out. My throat, it feels so dry. What in the world happened?

"April!" My eyes focus straight ahead to see dad standing there with a wide smile on his face. I found dad, what is he doing here anyway, why isn't he in Italy? Dad quickly opens the door and leaves me. I'm so confused, what's going on? I look down at my arms to see I'm covered in plasters and needles which are prickled into my skin. Cameron, where's Cameron? Did Caleb or Callum find him? Suddenly, the door opens up to reveal what seems to be a doctor as he makes his way over to me. He starts to check the heart monitor and everything around him before stopping to me.

"How are you feeling Miss Lily?" He asks me gently.

"W-water" My throat is so dry, I can barely say anything. He understands and grabs a glass and brings it towards my lips. I start to drink it like I've never drank water before. "Why am I here?" I manage to ask the doctor. He looks over at my dad who comes up to my other side taking my hands in his.

"Do you not remember what happened?" He asks me with a worried look on his face.

"Cameron he-"

"Cameron never made it" He says with a sad look on his face. I Knew Cameron never made it but I still don't understand what seems to be going on.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him in a low voice as it feels oddly strange to speak at the moment. Dad seems confused by my question.

"April, can you please tell me what year it is" The doctor says interrupting dad from speaking.

"It's twenty-fifteen" I reply back in an obvious tone. The doctor gives me a blank look and looks over at dad.

"You've been a coma for a year Miss Lily" What? What the hell does he mean that I've been in a coma for a year? What the hell is going on? How was I in a coma for a year?

"I...I don't understand. How did I go into a coma, I'm confused. If it isn't twenty-fifteen then what year is it?"

"It's twenty-eleven" He says softly.

"T-that's impossible. You're trying to say that I dreamt everything when I was asleep?" I ask him. He slowly nods his head and sighs to himself.

"It will take time to get used to everything, don't worry we will put you through therapy so you can talk out whatever you dreamt about" He informs me. That means that I haven't even graduated from high school yet! The doctor did a few more check-ups with me while dad called and told everyone I woke up from my coma.

"We thought we lost you April" Dad tells me. It looks like he's about to cry but he seems to be holding it well.

"Dad, has it really been a year?" I ask. I'm still in shock and can't seem to get over everything that has happened. One minute I'm walking through this door and the second I'm awake from a coma.

"It has. We got a phone call from the police saying you and Cameron were found in this old building, he was really bad and you seemed to have knocked your head really bad causing your head to bleed from the inside, but you came back and I'm so blessed that God gave me my daughter back" A tear slips out of dad's eye making me cry as well. He leans over me and gives me a hug.

"April!" Dad moves away from me, I look up to see that mum is standing at the door with tears pouring down her face. She runs to me and attacks me into a big hug. "Non mi hai mai spaventa come quello nuovo!" (Don't you ever scare me like that again!) She wipes the tears from my face and envelopes me into another hug

"April" Another voice calls out. I look over mom's shoulder to see Andrew. He's standing; he's standing on his two legs and is walking towards me.

"Andrew, Andrew you can walk you're fine, you're better now. I'm so sorry" He looks confused but doesn't question me; he just pulls me into a brotherly hug. I hug him back as me and my family just embrace the moment.

"I'm sorry about Cam April. I know you both really liked each other and all.." He mumbled off and scratched the back of his head with a sad look on his face. Cameron, I may not have gone through all of them moments in reality with Cameron but I know that they count in my heart because it'll never be a dream for me, he will always be my reality.

"I'm sorry too, you both were best friends. You lost a friend Andrew" I tell him. He nods his head slowly while looking down at the floor. The doctor comes into the room telling mum and dad that they have to sign some bills or something. They quickly leave the room leaving me and Andrew behind.

"I called Fiona and the rest telling them you woke up. They should be here soon" He informs me. He takes a seat on the bed while looking at my face. "What did you mean by when you said that I can walk now?"

"During the dream, I saw that you got into this car accident and you ended up getting paralysed. You weren't able to walk again and you blamed me for it" He seems surprised but doesn't push the topic any further. "How much did you dream about, dad was saying you thought it was twenty-fifteen into the future" He says with a small chuckle.

"Yeah. You know, it still feels like I'll go back to doing whatever I was in my dream. It feels so real but I know that it's not and I guess I'll have to get used to it"

"Don't worry, I'll be here to help you get through it all" He tells me. I give his hand a squeeze when the door opens yet again revealing my friends. Looking at their faces reminds me of that high school reunion. I know it wasn't real and I'm really glad my friends are here. Selena was the first to approach me as she grips me into a deathly hug.

"We thought we lost you" She tells me.

"I'll give you girls some privacy" I hear Andrew say before he leaves. Selena pulls away as the rest of the girls approach me.

"You bitch, how could you leave me like that?" Fiona asks with an angry look on her face.

"I didn't. I knew my best friend needed me so I decided to come back" I tell her with a smile on my face. She ends up laughing and giving me a big hug.

"We need to tell you what's been going on" They all sit down and begin telling me.

Apparently, after hearing about Cameron's death the school did a tribute to Cameron in his memory, they all prayed for me to come out of the coma as well. Selena tells me that classes have been really boring without me and that Bryan has been a real prick since the beginning of senior year.

Ever since she mentioned Bryan so much thoughts have been running through my mind. Bryan doesn't know that I know he's a vampire, I can't let Caleb bring Cameron back from the dead and I never really met Callum so that means I have to make a choice. Do I stick with Bryan or let him go forever?




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