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"So, how do you feel?" Andrew asks me. I look at myself one more time in the mirror and take a deep breath. It's been a whole month now since I left the hospital. The doctor told me to take it easy for a while which I did.

I manage to catch up with what I needed for school. The coursework was already covered, I just need to study for my tests. I've stayed in contact with the girls and everybody told me what was happening during my coma. I still have a hard time believing I was in a coma for a year but I dreamed four years of my life which never even really happened.

"I feel good. I actually can't wait to go to school" I tell him. He gives me a small smile and pats my shoulders.

"You'll do great. I know it's going to be different with Cameron not being there, but I promise that you'll be happy" He gives me a small smile and walks away. Smoothing my shirt out, I give myself a big smile in the mirror. Here goes nothing.


"April!" I hear someone scream. I look up to see Fiona and the rest of them running towards me. I see a few people look up in confusion. She tackles me in a huge hug which I return back.

"I finally get my best friend back with me. These guys were so boring as I've told you before" Selena gives her a small push and puts her arm around my waist.

"I get my best friend back as well. She isn't just yours you know"

"She's my girlfriend, back off. I'm going to propose to her soon" Fiona claims. I laugh at her as we all start walking into the school hallways. I start looking around me as the smile still stays on my face. It feels so good to be back, I get to re-live this again and make sure I don't screw anything up for myself. Seeing the people and everything, it just brings a spark into me.

"So have you got your schedule then?" Fiona asks curiously. I show her the piece of paper which I held in my hand. Coincidently I managed to get the same schedule and teachers that I had in my dream. I feel like it's a sign for me and I have to take the best advantage of it. "Ah man, we only have one class together" I stick my tongue out at her as they all make me stop at my locker. Opening it, I don't know how I managed to still remember the code but I still do. I put my back in there and quickly shut it.

"Alright, we have homeroom. Buy you guys" Fiona and Selena immediately let out a loud sigh.

"She hasn't changed at all. I was hoping that you'd become a little reckless but no" Rolling my eyes at Fiona, I take Selena's hand and drag her away from Fiona. Me and Selena start making our way when the sight of him makes me freeze in my spot. Bryan.

He's leaning against the classroom while looking around the hallway. He hasn't seen me yet which is good for me. I've come up with this plan about how I'm going to confront him about what happened, he needs to know that I know that he's a vampire. Hopefully, that made a little sense. I feel Selena nudge me, I quickly break my eye contact with his face and look over at Selena. She raises her eyebrows in a way to ask me what happened.

"Let's go" I tell her. We both start making our way over and I immediately walk with my head down to his classroom. His burning question still remains in my mind, it may not have been real but I know what it means in reality. Do I choose to stay with him or not?

"Good morning Mr Benson" Selena says next to me. I look up from underneath my eye lashes to see him giving her a small smile.

"Good morning Selena" His eyes quickly look over at mine and I hold them in mine. He's giving me the same look when he first told me that he loved me. I know that I'm still going to say it wasn't real but it feels so real that I'm going to go crazy.

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