"That's perfectly fine. We have more than enough room to accommodate them." I told him thinking of housing them in my own home with my son. "That's all, thank you for your time Alpha Maddox." Said his goodbyes and I said mine before hanging up. I yawned as I wiped the sleep from my eyes and headed for the shower. It wasn't even dawn yet but I might as well get up since there was no sleeping now. I had to get things ready for Lillys return to her home pack.

She should've been my daughter not that horrible Shadow's Alphas but there was no changing that now. It didn't matter anyway, not anymore. When I got the news she had abandoned the pack I was devasted and extremely furious with myself. She was the daughter of my mate. My one true love who I was meant to be with but also the one that destiny cruelly took from my side before her time. I had avoided her mere presence as she was growing up and didn't dare look at her direction for fear that my own feelings would betray me.

But once her absence settled into my very heart I realized I should've been there for her more. Maybe then I would know why she chose to leave our pack. Rumors had reached me that she was a victim of bullying by several youth members of our pack. I was too late to stop them and since nobody came forward to take the blame the crime went unpunished. I had cancelled all gatherings, celebrations, or events for one whole year as punishment for all and mourning for the loss of a valued member.

It hadn't mattered that some where already underway or that many more where to come or even that the fact that everyone was pissed off at my decision. I didn't care I was hurting for Lilly because she had her mothers eyes and I was willing to bet that she was the mirror image of her mother. Luckily she hadn't resembled her despicable father and for that I was thankfull. I let all my clothes fall to the ground as the lukewarm water cascaded down my back.

My short black hair grew slick with moister as I lathered on some shampoo and rinsed before applying a small amount of conditioner. Soon the scent of the forest swirled around me reminding me of Crimson the girl I wished I met earlier in my life before I got married. My wife had died shortly after Lilly had arrived leaving me a widow and although I regeretted her death I didn't mourn her nearly as much as I had mourned Crimsons death.

She came mind every now and then but she was never as important to me as Crimson had been in mere moments. It sounded wrong of me and perhaps I shoudnt feel this way. After all she had given me my son, Jeremy, and for that I was extremelly happy. But my son didn't know the truth of his mothers death. Everyone including him thought she had died from a decease that our genes couldn't cure.

While she was sick it was not something we couldn't work out. It was not a decease of the body, it was a decease of the mind. A decease she hid very well indeed. In fact had we known how truelly sick she was I would've payed more attention and done everything in my power to help heal her. To help her beat it but I had no idea she was sick. I always thought she was just gloomy, stressed or perhaps angry but never did I imagine she suffered depression.

When I met her she was strict and somewhat cold so I didn't see anything wrong. Then after Jeremy was born things got weirder perhaps worse but I didn't notice. Then one day I found her next to a toddler Jeremy cold as ice. He was still asleep in her arms, her eyes were closed and for the first time I saw her in peace. I quickly rushed Jeremy out of the room and called for the medic but there was nothing we could do for her not anymore. It was just too late for her.

It was only then that the medic confessed that my wife had been struggling with post-partum depression and had thought she was doing alright. Apperantly she didn't think I needed to know that crucial piece of information about my luna. I swore her to secrecy and so the lie was born. I stepped out of the shower and walked into my room with a white towel wrapped around my waist. I had taken awhile in the shower and my whole body now resembled a dried up prune.

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