Josh doubled over, a cry of pain torn from his lips and his staff falling from his hands as he felt the searing heat of the blade pierce his body. The blade was withdrawn and he fell to his knees, a burning sensation spreading from the wound, coursing through him like venom. His limbs felt heavy, weak. He looked up at Hades through his fading vision and saw him walking away. "Hades!" he growled. "Don't you dare count me out this easily."

Hades turned, lips twisted in that ever present smirk. "Look at you, you're literally dying. I think it's safe to assume you're done."

The burning had completely overwhelmed Josh now, it felt like his body were ablaze. But, slowly, the pain faded and he became filled with new strength and fire, his vision returning sharper than before. Josh retrieved his makeshift staff and stood tall, fire burning in his eyes. "So. If you aren't Alex and are, indeed, Hades then answer me this; why? What do you hope to accomplish with this?"

Hades stepped back, shock betrayed on his features. "How on earth-?"

Josh smiled, flames spreading along his weapon as he advanced on the God of the Underworld. "I'm stronger than you think Hades." He pointed the end of the burning staff at his opponent, "now answer my question."

Regaining his composure, Hades produced an Aerial Blade from each hand and grinned broadly, "why, ruining everyone's lives of course. Isn't that what I've always done?" He shot the blades at Josh with blinding speed, confidant that, this time, the man was dead.

Josh deflected the blades with little effort and paused in his advance, "You've got a point there. All you ever seem to do is cause havoc for your own twisted entertainment. But why Alex? You could have picked anyone, why him?"

"Well for one thing he's so good at imitating me it would take a while of my being in control without having to make the effort of impersonating his voice for anyone to realize something was truly amiss. And for another, I thought it would be so much fun to mess with you and Alex's other friends. Once I've dealt with you, I'll be going after Pocket Change. He seems like he'd be fun to toy with."

That did it. Josh moved swiftly forward and landed a kick to Hades' stomach, sending him sprawling. "Well it's a good thing you aren't getting past me isn't it?" The flames on his staff burned more fiercely, spreading up his arm. "I'm gonna stop you here and now." Josh held the tip of the burning weapon to Hades' throat, his face menacing.

"Not so fast, you forget whose body I'm in. Earlier, when I said little Alex was gone, I was lying. He's still in here, somewhere. If you kill me you'll be killing him too. So, what'll it be? Kill your friend to save your world? Or spare his life and doom everyone, yourself included."

Josh hesitated, his grip on the pole loosening and the flames losing their ferocity. Could he really do either? The thought of anyone dying because of him was awful yet the thought of actually taking a life, let alone the life of a friend, made him sick to his stomach.

That hesitation was all Hades needed. He sprung to his feet and grabbed Josh by the front of his shirt, throwing him onto the stage and springing up after him.

Josh rolled to the side, away from Hades and got back to his feet, fireballs growing in his hands. "Alex! If you're in there, if you can hear me, snap outta this." He glared at Hades, the fire in his eyes fierce and his fists clenched.

Hades laughed, "you're wasting your breath. I've got him completely suppressed and there's nothing you can do to change that." He sent flurry of Aerial Blades Josh's way, darting forward with them. The human was troublesome, to be sure, but this competent of a warrior had potential. He would make an excellent addition to the Underworld Army.

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