Part 47

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Kellin's POV

 "Liz where are you? The plane is leaving in thirty minutes!" I asked pacing back and forth holding the phone up my ear. "Jesus relax Kellin I'm almost there." She said scoffing a bit, I get irritated so quickly. "Fine." I mumbled hanging up rolling my eyes up to the ceiling. "Where is she?" Asked Jack, "She's almost here." I said non amused, abhorred even. Yesterday, I yelled at Liz because that damn ex boyfriend of hers, Michael keeps calling her and she keeps answering him, that's what gets me mad. "We're here!!" Liz exclaimed running towards us with Joy by her side. She came up to us and hugged the guys and Liz gave me a kiss on my cheek. "What took you?" I said a bit annoyed and she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, nothing to worry about, at least we're here. That's what matters now." She said and I handed her the tickets. "Did he called again?" I whispered closely and she shook her head, "No Kellin, he hasn't called since last night." She said and I took a deep breath as she look annoyed. "Hey, I'm sorry...I just.....don't want you to slip through my fingers so easily." I said not really knowing what to say, she held my face, forcing me to look at her, "Kellin, what you're failing to understand is that I don't have any feelings for him whatsoever, he's been a great friend. And I love you only you, I'm yours and you're mine." She looked into my eyes, piercing into my heart and soul, "I love you so much, I've been acting like a dick." I said and she giggled softly, "Just a little bit." She said and I chuckled, "Come on, our flight is leaving soon. Guys let's go!" I said grabbing my bags and everyone grabbed their belongings. 

After five hours of flight we finally arrived Orlando, it was already night, when I looked at Liz she looked completely exhausted. "You ok?" I asked putting and arm around her waist, her tired eyes looked at me and she nodded and her breathing had changed. "Liz you don't look ok." I said stopping her and I stood in front of, "I'm dizzy, that's all I didn't eat anything since this morning." She said holding my hand, I clenched my jaw and looked over to a bending machine and bought her some chips. "Eat these, when we get to the hotel we'll order room service." I said handing her the chips, but she looked to tired to even argue. I helped her with her bags and it was late at night in the airport and thankfully it was deserted. "Jack, could you take Liz's bag?" I said to Jack as he had less luggage than us. "Sure." He said, he looked over to Liz and she looked like a zombie, he gave me a quizzical look and I shook my head not to worry, with his brow still furrowed he kept walking in silence. Joy was basically sleeping in Justin's shoulder whilst walking, I chuckled at them, I talked to Justin and asked what the two of them were at the moment, he said that he was taking his time with Joy, but he decided that it was finally time to take the big step, I supported him entirely and he was really grateful because of it. "Come on." I said holding Liz close to me as we got outside, it was slightly cold but it was good, Liz took a deep breath and then let it out and smiled, "Feeling better?" I asked her, "A little bit thank you." She said quietly, I smiled down at her. Our taxi bus arrived, I told Liz to get in while I helped the guys with the luggage. "Good to go guys?" I asked them as I closed the back trunk door. "Let's go, I'm fucking tired." Said Jesse walking past us, I shook my head and followed him inside the van. Liz was nearly asleep, she was fighting to keep her eye lids up as Joy was watching her intently, she looked at me and I mouthed  'Ok? ' pointing my Liz at her and she nodded at me, I nodded back in acknowledgement and sat beside Liz, "Hey." She whispered silently as she cuddled close to me, "Hey." I said hugging her close to me, nuzzling her hair. "The hotel is not far, thirteen minutes maybe." I said and she nodded not being able to respond back. I myself felt tired, I just wanted to go and sleep, but Liz needed to eat, at least a sandwich but then again, she must be famished. 

After fifteen minutes we gt to the hotel, Liz was completely exhausted, she wouldn't wake up, I was afraid that she had passed out. "Liz!" I called for her and she mumbled, well at least she's still conscious. "Come on, we're here." I said to her and she started to fight, "No!" She said whilst she slept, I chuckled and put and arm under her legs and behind her back, picking her up bridal style. "Jesse, come on, let's check in." I said looking at Jesse, "Can't Gabe go!!?" He whined tiredly pointing at Gabe. "Why me? Stop being a bitch." Gabe said to Jesse and he started to stomp beside me getting inside. "Do you have a reservation?" A young man said to us and he darted his gaze to Liz as I carried her in my arms. "Yes we do. Under the name Sleeping with Sirens I believe." Jesse said and the guy's eyes widen, "You're the band! Everything is ready for all of you, you're luggage is being delivered upstairs and the master hotel room is all yours, here are the keys." The man behind the counter said giving Jesse the card key to our rooms. The Master room was a room that had a few extra rooms down the hall close by each other and no one else could pass if they were only authorized to. We nodded at the man and thanked him, Jesse motioned the guys that were smoking outside to come in, after they took their last puff they came inside and we stepped into the elevator. I looked down at Liz and she was in deep sleep. "Jack, could you wake her?" I asked him and he grinned evilly at me, "With pleasure." He said said rubbing his hands together. Joy looked at me scared of what he was about to do... Jack put both if his index fingers into his mouth and then withdraw them out full of saliva, Joy's eyes grew bigger in realization as she knew what he was about to do. Careless, Jack slipped his fingers into Liz's ears and her eyes broke opened instantly waking up. "WET WILLY!" Jack exclaimed and we all laughed, Liz screamed in disgust pushing Jack away and she stood on her feet, "Gross!!! I'll get you soon Fowler! Mock my words!!" She said pointing a finger at him and squinting her eyes at him and Jack laughed at her, "Please! I'm not afraid of a little dwarf like yourself." Jack said crossing his arms and raising her chin at her. "Be afraid, be very afraid. That is my only warning." Liz said to him and all of us chuckled, "You look so cute when you're threatening Liz, where did you learn to do it? My little Pony middle school?" Jack said laughing at her and she smirked at him. She said nothing and the door of the elevator opened and she walked out, Jack looked at me and I shrugged at him. I got out of the elevator following Liz but she didn't where she was headed, I shook my head and I took her hand and led her to our room. "Guys, tomorrow is a day off, you can rest tomorrow and early on the twenty-eight we start sound check and everything ok?" I said to everyone and the yawn and nodded looking tired. Once we entered the room our luggage was already there, laying beside the bed. "What do you want to eat?" I asked Liz and her stomach growled, "Well, I think I'm in the mood for lasagna." She said putting a hand over her belly smirking at me and I agreed, "I think I'm eating hot wings." I said picking up the phone and called room service. 

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