Part 3

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I need to fast forward the story because this is just like a monologue 

 After 2 and a half years of amazing friendship today was officially special. It's Kellin's birthday! I had a surprise to give him at school. Since the first day we met we hung out almost everyday and we would joke around, drink Mountain Dew and eat junk food and watch movies at each others places. He also thought me how to skate. I was going to surprise him by leaving all of his favorite junk food in his locker with a card and a note saying to meet up later. I had a few balloons and filled them up with helium and began floating. I tied each and one of them securing them tightly, writing in each balloon how a good friend he was even though I developed feelings for him. He doesn't know, otherwise it could potentially ruin our friendship. Kellin's girlfriend, Sasha, hated my guts; Because Kellin hangs out more with me than he does with her. She's told me lots of times that he loved her not me, and that he was hers, all that crap. All I do was nod at her because I really didn't care and because I knew how she was because Kellin would tell me. I head out grabbing everything feeling so happy and excited. I knew he would be so happy when he sees a Mountain Dew, some skittles, oreos, etc. 

I finally got out of the bus and saw Bruce outside of school, he graduated a year ago and we've become amazing friends. "Bruce!" I said running towards him crushing him into a hug. "Woah easy there kiddo I missed you too." He hugged me back and it felt good. "How have you been gorgeous?" He said stepping back from the hug holding me at arms length examining me. I blushed a bit "I've been really good thanks. What are you doing here?" He looked behind me as if he remembered what he was doing and I followed his sight. "What are we looking at?" I said and he gave me playful push. "Shut up, I was hoping to see my girlfriend before I go to work. If you see her inside could you tell her I'm waiting for her?" Thankfully his girlfriend was none other than my greatest friend Joy. After I introduced them when we were at the park they hit it off and they've been together ever since. "Alright, I will. It's so good to see you bud." I told him hugging him again. "You too, take care alright?"  "I will." And with that I left in search of his girlfriend and hopefully bump into Kellin. Once I entered I asked some people if they had seen Joy. A girl finally told me that she was in the library doing a homework. I told her that Bruce was looking for her and she didn't eve knew he was coming so I guess it was a surprise. "He's really here!?" she beamed I laughed quietly, "Yeah he's outside waiting for you, now go I'll finish up for you, I already have this." She hugged me "You are a life saver I love you!"  "You would do the same for me. I love you too." She collected her hoodie and went out. "Oh! Before I forget, tell Kellin Happy Birthday for me kay?"  "Sure will." She smiled with excitement and left. I finished her history homework and decided to wait until the bell rang to go and do the surprise in Kellin's locker. Once the bell rang and the halls were empty I took the chance. I opened up his locker, putting the junk food in and the Mountain Dew. I took one the balloons and put it inside leaving the string noticeable and leaving a note in front of the locker that read "Open Me". I was really excited for him to open it up and see it. Unfortunately I barely saw him because we never took our classes together we would just meet in lunch and after school was over and he would come to my place and help him do his homework. My morning classes were boring as always. But I couldn't help the excitement in my body. I would shake my legs, tap the floor with my feet, tap the desk. Waiting to be lunch time. After ten minutes the bell rang and I was the first to get out. I passed by Kellin's locker to see that he had opened it. I was way too happy. I told him in the note to meet up at our spot. The lonely tree as I always call it. He was already there, sitting under the tree. I let out a sigh and went to him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND!!" I beamed at him and he stood up. When I was about to give him a hug he stepped back. What?  "Kellin? Wh-What's wrong? Didn't you like the surprise?" I let my outstretched hands fall on either side of me. He looked angry and sad. "No, I didn't. I don't want you near me ever again. I don't want to be your friend ever again. I wish I would've never met you. I despise you and you're existence. I hate you. If you ever thought that I even cared about you let me tell you how wrong you are, the only thing I felt for you was pity nothing more nothing less." He said, his eyes full of rage as he stormed past me. I felt millions of tons weighing my heart until I fell to my knees and cry, I can't believe he hated me no, no he despised me and my existence. I felt that my world ended, right at that moment. I couldn't move, nor speak. I was paralyzed, processing every single word, and each time it echoed in my head, the more I cried. After a moment, I got up and ran. Why would he do this?    He hates you...   He doesn't need you...   Worthless... I ran outside of the school not caring about my things and I ran to my house which wasn't far. I got to my house and mom was in the kitchen. "Mija? what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here until two. What happened why are you crying? Are you hurt?" Her worried eyes made me cry even more. I hugged her and she stroked my hair softly. "Come on, let's go to your room." I nodded and we climbed up the stairs walking to my room. I lay down and she sat beside me. She removed some hair from my face and asked. "What happened mi niña?" I sniffled and took a deep breath. "Today was Kellin's birthday and I wanted to give him a surprise, but then when I met up with him he told me that how he wished he never had met me, and that he despised me and my existence and that he hated me. Mom Kellin hates me after all we've been through." She kept a straight face and said, "Sweetie maybe he wasn't feeling good and let all out on you, he must have snapped or something. You know he loves you still." Mom was right, but I couldn't bear seeing him everyday after what happened. "Mom? Is it ok if I move with aunt Monica to California." She sighed and took a deep breath. "Of course darling, you can start packing if you like, I'll call her."  "Thanks mom." She kissed the top of my head and I was left alone, crying and heartbroken. 

Don't Forget Me (Kellin Quinn Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя