Part 10

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Liz's POV 

  "So Liz, tell us about yourself, and how you met Kellin." Justin said looking at me. I turned to see Kellin staring at me with his hypnotizing eyes.  "Well ok, but Kellin has a lot of explaining to do, so he'll be helping me out." I said smirking at Kellin. I needed to know what happened that day, I needed an explication for his actions and forget that it ever happened. He looked at me knowingly, he knew what was going to happened. He nodded and I started. "Well um ok. I'm originally from Puerto Rico but after seven years I moved to Oregon." I said taking a sip of my Mountain Dew. "Heyy!" said Kellin, "What is it?" I asked confused. "That's my Mountain Dew you're drinking." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Well I think is only fair since I was the one who introduced it to your life." The guys looked at Kellin and their eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Fine." Kellin muttered and I chuckled. "Well anyways, I moved to Oregon and took home schooling until I was fifteen almost sixteen. So that would be sophomore year. The first day of school was better than I expected. But anyways. I was in the cafeteria and saw a kid with raven black hair bored to death with a bunch of popular girls and he sat beside one of them. He looked at me and smiled, I got so nervous and I left."  Kellin was looking at me intently, he has never heard my side of the story before. So he hung on every word I said.  "I use to have a spot by a tree and the same kid from the cafeteria stood in front of me and he just sits down and stares a me like a vulture. I was creep'd out." I said jokingly looking at him. "Hey! I was and still a weird ass kid." He stated pushing me a little bit with his arm. "Whatever creep. We introduced ourselves and Kellin saw that I was drinking Mountain Dew and said that he had never tried it. I offered him and he had a face of pure disgust because he thought that it was booger juice." I remember that day like it was yesterday. "Kellin you didn't like Mountain Dew?! So.. If it wasn't for this woman you wouldn't know what it was and you wouldn't tell us at midnight to go and buy you some?!" said Jack with his mouth open. "Yep, pretty much." He said putting his lips into a line, he looked as cute as I remembered him, he hasn't changed much to be honest. "Liz, keep going." Said Gabe. I shook my head and looked away from Kellin's lips. Wow that would've looked really stupid.  "Who's the creep now huh?" said Kellin smirking in a cocky voice. "Shut up." I said pushing him and he laughed. "As I was saying, he tried it and he wanted to take it from me. He cried for a few minutes and then told him that I would bring an extra one just for him, and I did that for two years and a half." I said looking at him and he was looking down smiling at the remembrance. I never notice that he had his arm around my chair and he was stroking my arm and back softly, something he did whenever we lay under the tree. I took a deep breath before continuing. "Kellin and I got into a talent show competition in order to help our school to not get closed. The day the competition came I was a wreck. I had never played nor sing in front of someone, but I had to sing in front of hundreds! That day, I knew our friendship was forever. He held my hand full of sweat I had it but he still held it throughout the song. When we finished singing he hugged me and I cried because I never had someone by my side like he always stood." I looked at him, a sad smile and soft eyes looked at me. "But what happened?" Asked Gabe. And this was it. I looked again and Kellin and ask with my eyes if it was ok. He nodded and I agreed. I sighed closing my eyes, opening them again before speaking. "Please don't be mad at Kellin for this, you guys promise? And besides, it's in the past. Ok?" I said looking at the guys who looked confused but still nodded. "Ok then. After two years and a half of an amazing friendship a day I could never forget came, it was Kellin's birthday. And I was so happy and excited because I had a few surprises for him. So, I went to school with balloons, and his favorite candies and two Mountain Dews'. I left a note on Kellin's locker saying to meet up at our spot. I was so eager to see his face when he got all of the surprises." I said happily "The bell rang and Kellin was already there. Running towards him to hug him I shouted 'Happy Birthday Best Friend!' But instead of embracing me, he stepped back. My heart was heavy in my chest when I saw the anger in his eyes." I said, saying exactly how I felt and sometimes I even forgot he was beside me.  "He told me that, he never wanted to see me again, that he despised me and my existence, he told me that he hated me and to had wished to never had met me." The guys looked at me with a sad expression and Kellin looked down. Out of no where he hugs me hard. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth." I feel like a have a big rock in my throat, unable to swallow and my eyes warned unwelcome tears. I took a deep breath and managed to say. "It's ok, I forgave you a long time ago." he hugged me harder and someone cleared their throat. "Ahem, sorry guys but something isn't quite right in here." said Jaime. "Yeah, Kellin why did you told her that?" prompted Justin. I looked at Kellin and he took a deep breath. "It's time for me to explain myself to you Liz, something I should've done long ago." He got me really confused, so there was an actual reason for him to behave like he did. 

"I was really happy that day because it was my birthday and also because I knew Liz had a few surprises and I couldn't wait to see them. Once I got on the bus I sat beside my ex-girlfriend Sasha." I rolled my eyes as he said her name. I put my finger up my ear and made a circle mouthing 'crazy' and then 'bitch'. The guys chuckled and Kellin looked at me and I stopped and quickly grinned at him, he shook his head and continued. "Anyways, Sasha was being annoying as usual and she started saying stuff of Liz and I got mad and I broke up with her. She said that that wasn't going to happened because if I broke up with her or I hung out with Liz she said she was going to hurt her." What? That fucking bitch! My head screamed at me. So she's the reason I was like I was? She was the reason I lost MY best friend? Well Karma you can do better than that. "That bitch!" said Jesse looking really mad pounding a fist on the table. "I mean, of course she was jealous of you! You are beautiful! She wished to be the half thing you always were." I laughed, I kind of forgot to tell them that I was the chubby girl. "Well I hate to break it to you Jes' but I wasn't always this slim. I was the chubby girl everyone picked on." I said to Jesse and all of them looked confused. "Naah no way. You chubby? Pfft." continued Jesse. I took my phone and search for an old photo I had. "Here, you can pass it around." I said giving him my phone. He gasped as soon as he saw the picture. "There is no way in hell that that's you!" He exclaimed with his brows furrowed. They all started to move behind Jesse to see the picture. "Are you serious?" asked Justin and Jack. "Damn!" said Gabe. "Well that was me ten years ago." I said taking my phone back and asked Kellin to continue. "Anyways, Sasha had told me that if I didn't tell Liz, she was going to ruin and hurt her, but I couldn't allow that, not when I could do something.  After I agreed, I met up with Liz and told her all those horrible things when I actually meant the complete opposite. She was the greatest friend I ever had, and I lost her." He finally said. My eyes couldn't hold for much more. A tear escaped as he looked deep into my eyes and his started to water. "When I found out that Liz had moved to California for good I was devastated. I wanted so badly to explain myself, and Joy didn't knew how to contact you either. After 8 months I had to leave Oregon and make a new life for myself leaving everything behind." He finally said. "I tried contacting you for so long. I talked to Joy, asking for your number even your address. But she always told me that every time you guys talked you seemed happy, and if I were to call I could hurt you more. I then started to ask her how were you and everything." I can't believe that that Joy never told me, but maybe  she didn't want me hurt again once I had completely blocked all the memories from the past, but other than that I forgave him. I put my hand in his hand squeezing it tightly giving him a smile. "But now, I finally have the opportunity to tell you how sorry I am, there would be days when I couldn't get you out of my head and so many things I wanted to say. But I couldn't live with myself if Sasha had hurt you Liz." He instantly stopped talking and wiped away my tears "You were always so beautiful, and full of life Liz, I took that away from you.  And all these ten years without you have sucked ass. And being with these guys never helped." He said and I laughed sniffling, "HEY!" said all of them. "But I still love you guys." Kellin said throwing them a kiss. They all acted like fans and Jesse acted as he had fainted; Gabe and Jack were holding hands and moving up and down. Justin was fanning himself and Vic and Jaime were mouthing 'I love you Kellin' I couldn't contain my laughter, I laughed like I haven't laughed in years even my stomach was starting to hurt, but it felt so good to laugh like this. The guys joined in after into a war of laughs. I had already got up but I couldn't stop laughing. We all calmed down after two solid minutes. "Liz?" said Kellin grabbing my attention. "Yes?" I whispered. "Would you like to start over again? Be friends like we use to and hang out?" I smiled at him and said. "Why would you even ask that? OF COURSE!" I jumped up and hugged him, he hugged me back and whispered "Thank you, this time I'll make all right." I hummed and the guys started to give us some 'awwws' "This is the most beautiful thing ever." said Jack wiping a fake tear. Kellin turned around and said "Thanks Jack." Jack looked back Kellin and responded "What? I was talking about you." He said with furrowed brows. "I was talking about this." He said as he held up a slice of pizza. We all sat down eating the remaining of the pizza. Kellin stood up with his glass and a fork, trying to clink the fork with the plastic glass he made the clinking sound. He got everyone's attention. "I'd like to make a toast." he said and we rose up our glasses. "As you all are aware, Liz has been my old friend. But we got separated by tragic bitchful events. I declare a new friendship for many years to come. Cheers my love." He said to me in a british accent. "Thank you Lord Quinn." I also said with a british accent bowing my head a bit. We all kept eating and talking for a while, and I felt Kellin's eyes on me all the time. What could he be thinking?

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