Part 5

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Liz's POV

After three days of packing and ignoring Joy's phone calls, I was ready to leave. My room was now empty. Too many memories I had of us, but I didn't want to throw them away, we had the best of times but that's all gone now. "Sweetie, It's Bruce on the phone, would you like to take it?" My mom said softly as she popped her head through the door. "Not now mom, tell him that I'll call them soon." She nodded and left. I know that Joy must be worried sick and she most of told Bruce, maybe that's why he's calling. I gathered some boxes with stuff of mine. My aunt Monica told me that there were two guest rooms and could pick any of my liking. I was really grateful. I couldn't bear staying here any longer, I just couldn't live with myself, I needed to get away.  Kellin hasn't even bothered coming into my house or called for that matter. Why would he do that? He said that he didn't want to see you ever again. Tears started to make their way into my eyes as his words still echoed in my mind. I've never felt so worthless in my life. I quickly wiped my tears as I heard mom coming up. "Sweetie, It's time to go." I took a deep breath an gathered the things I needed. My flight ticket, my Ipod, a cheap phone just in case and a book. I nodded taking a bag and my big baggage. I went downstairs and my dad was waiting for me. I put the bags either side of me and hugged him hard. "Are you sure about this mija?" He asks with sad eyes. "Yes papa. I want, have and need to." He just nodded and hugged me harder. "I will miss you, try and call every night if you can." I smiled at him. "I will, I promise." He kissed my forehead and I turned to mom who was full of tears. "It's ok mom, I will come and visit ok? I just can't be here, I hope you understand." She took a deep breath. "You are so strong, but I never realized how much you've grown. I understand that you need some time away from here, I know it's a lot to process, but don't hurt yourself over this, ok?" She said taking my chin with her fingers. "Ok mom, Thank you. I love you; both of you." I heard a honk outside indicating that the cab had just arrived. "Well, see you soon guys." My dad took my luggage and put it in the trunk of the cab. I waved at my parents and took one last good look at my house, feeling nostalgic already. But it was for the best. I got in and the taxi driver moved slowly as we head out. I kept looking at my mom and dad as they were holding each other, seeing their little girl go on her own must of hurt them deeply, but I knew that they wanted me to be happy.

Kellin's POV

It's been three days since I haven't seen Liz around school, but I don't blame her. I blame myself. I sat at the cafeteria beside Sasha gossiping with her fake friends, creating rumors and what not. At this moment I had to keep an eye on her because she could say anything about Liz. I was looking around when I saw a very sad Joy sitting on her own playing with her food. "I'll be right back." I didn't give Sasha the chance to say anything nor protest. I sat in front of Joy, "Hi, can we talk?" I asked a bit nervous. "Sure." I got her attention but she didn't look mad at me. Maybe Liz never told her. "Have you talked to Liz lately?" She sighed dropping her fork into her plate. "No, I haven't, I've tried countless of times but she wouldn't talk to me. What's wrong with her Kellin? I've been so worried." I felt even worse. "You know I love Liz right? With all my heart?" She looked at me with big round blue eyes "You love her as in love love? Relationship, kissing kind of love?" her reaction made me chuckle "Yes. But, I don't know if what I did was good or bad. Did I helped her or myself? I don't know what's right or wrong anymore." By this time, Joy kind of followed the hint that the reason Liz is like this is because of me. "Kellin," she said in a warning voice "what did you do to Liz?" tears were trying to come out but I held them in. "I didn't mean to hurt her." She started to look mad "Explain to me what was the thing you did precisely." She said rage burning in her eyes as if she wanted to kill me. "Joy, I want you to understand if you want to hit me, or hate please do, after all, I think I deserve it but hear me out." She took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok, talk." She said crossing her arms. "The day of my birthday Sasha told me to tell Liz off, saying that I should tell her that I wished I never would have met her and that I hated her. Of course I said no and told her that we were over, but she didn't want to. So she blackmailed me. She told me that if either I break up with her she would hurt Liz in anyway possible or I kept hanging out with her she were to do it anyways." She payed attention to every word I said. "Go on.." I took a deep breath and continued. "I was so mad at her but I didn't want Sasha to hurt her. So I met up with Liz at our spot." I clenched my jaw of the memory of her face. "She was going to give me a hug and I turned her down. Her sad expression broke every ounce of my heart and soul. But I  tried to look strong. And that's when I told her. Her eyes were the reflection of her broken heart, after that I can't even begin to forgive myself for what I did to Elizabeth." I never noticed that a tear had escaped from my eye and Joy's face soften as she saw the sincerity in me and she knew that I would never do something like this to Liz. "I know you love her Kellin, but you have to let her know. God knows what kind of hell she's going through right now."  "I know, but please do me a favor. Stop by her house and check up on her, call me and let me know please." She sighed. "Ok I will."

~~~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~~~ 

"Kellin, someone's on the phone for you." I quickly hopped out of my seat and ran to the kitchen where the phone was. "Thanks sis." I whispered at my sister as she handed me the phone and left. "Yeah?" I said casually, "Kellin?" A very sad tone alarmed me "Joy? What's the matter? What's going on??" She choked up a sob, sniffling she said, "It's Liz. She moved to California." At that moment my world stopped. "How? Why? When?" was the only words I could stutter out. "Well, I talked to her mom and she told me that she moved away because she needed some space and needed to make a new life for herself. She left late this morning." I couldn't believe it, she's really gone. And I may never see her again. She hates me, she really does hate me. "Anyways, her mom told me that she would be contacting me soon once she felt better and she's all settled in." I sighed sadly. "Ok just let me know if anything, ok?"   "I will Kellin and I'm sorry." My eyes were filled with little drops of water that didn't let me see. "I should be the one who's sorry."  "Don't beat yourself up kid, I'm here for you." Tears were know streaming down my eyes. "Thanks Joy, take care." I hung up. Putting my hands through my hair due to a mix of feelings. but most of all I felt guilty and heartbroken. 

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