Part 46

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Liz's POV

 "Liz what are you doing later?" Joy asked me through the phone. "Well I'm going to start packing later, when I get out of work, remember we're leaving next week. Why?" I said and then asked her. "Well I'm going out with Justin for a little bit, Kellin gave the guys the day off, so I'm spending some time with him." Joy said through the phone, I had given her the day off as well. "Ok, since I'm using your car you can take mine, keys are in my room." I said to her, "Great thanks, I'll see you later tonight." She said and we said our good byes hanging up. "Excuse me ma'am?" A woman that seemed in her mid-thirties came up to me, "Yes? What can I help you with?" I asked smiling at her putting my phone away. "I asked for a children's pizza like twenty-five minutes ago and I don't think a small pizza takes that long to get ready." She said patiently, "Of course, thank you for letting me know, I'll be right back." I said to her and she nodded. I went to the kitchen and saw the kid's size pizza on the counter, the waiter that was attending them never took it to them. "Can I please have this warmed up?" I said looking at one of the cooks and took the plate off my hands. I rolled my eyes, Where could he be?  I clenched my jaw in frustration, lately my mood has been like a roller-coaster, and I've been having cramps, sure I'm starting my period once again. The cook gave me the pizza once again, warm this time, not to hot either. I went to their table, "Here you are, anything else I can help you with?" I asked and they shook their heads, "No that's all thank you." She said looking up at me and I smiled, "My apologies for the inconvenience." I said my hands together smiling at them. I walked away and looked over the restaurant to see if I could spot Marcus but he wasn't to be seen. "Janice, have you seen Marcus?" I asked our latest waitress and she thought for a second. "Oh, I think he went out back." She said pointing her head behind her, "Thank you, keep up the good work." I said to her and she smiled at me. Always let your co-workers know that they're well appreciated. I walked out back and saw Marcus smoking and in his phone. I gave him a deadly glare, "What the hell are you doing back here? It's not your break yet." I said looking at him and he got startled, "I'm sorry, I just needed a break." He said puffing the last from his cigarette, "At least you could've told me. Let this be your only warning, you do this again and there will be no breaks. Understood?" I said standing my ground and he swallowed hard. "Yes ma'am, I understand. It won't happen again." He said putting his phone in his back pocket standing straight. "Good, get back to work." I said and he walked passed me. I let out a sigh and leaned my back and head against the wall. I'm so tired, I haven't been sleeping well these past few days. I took a deep calming breath and got out, entering the restaurant. "Boss, someone's looking for you." One of the new waitress said shyly pointing me to the front entrance. "Thanks Jessica." I said to her and she nodded, when I got the entrance nobody was there. Now they're pranking me? Seriously? I rolled my eyes and turned around, when I look at the table behind me, Kellin sat there with some flowers. "Where you there when I passed?" I asked smiling at him and he stood up, "Yup, I'm surprised you didn't notice." I walked until our bodies were inches apart, "Hi." He whispered handing me the flowers he had bought, "Hi, these are lovely Kells." I said putting a hand on his cheek and kissed him. "What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to finish up the schedule for next week?"  I said sitting down and he sat in front of me, "Yeah, but I came to have something to eat in the company of my beautiful girl." He said grabbing and kissing my hands sweetly. "Alright good afternoon, what are we having?" Jessica, the waitress asked smiling down at us, "Jessica, could you tell Anna.." Before I continue she cut me off, "Don't worry she knows, she also said that you could go if you wanted to." She said and I looked at Kellin and he shrugged at me and then smiled, "Alright then, do you want some stake, or pizza?" I asked looking at Kellin holding hands. "Oh that's hard to pick, ummmm I'd like a slice of pizza, I'm not that hungry." He said to Jessica. "I'll have two slices, and two Mountain Dews'." I said to her and she wrote it down in the note she had, "Ok then, I'll be back in a sec." I nodded smiling at her and she left. When I looked at Kellin he was just staring at me, "What?" I asked cocking my head to one side, "Have you been sleeping well? You look tired." He asked looking a bit worried, "Not really, I've been sleepy horribly lately, plus cramps and nausea, it's been horrible." I said and he put a hand on my face, "I hate it when your period comes." He said and I chuckled, "Yeah me too, don't worry it's normal. Mom told me to got to the doctor when I finally get my health insurance." I said looking at my phone as it received a text. "Speaking of the devil." I said to Kellin as I saw that my mom had sent me a text message. 

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