Part 38

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Kellin's POV

 Liz and her mom were hugging each other tightly, like their life depend on it. But I don't blame them, Joy was crying and I put a comforting arm around her shoulder and she cried, somehow I felt heartbroken too, Mr. Rodriguez was a special and kind man. He was always so grateful that I became his daughters best friend, and now, I think he would've been even more proud, I have the best intentions for Liz I always have. Joy went over and hugged Liz and Carmen, their bond was really strong. "Mom, guess who's here." Liz said wiping her tears holding her hands, she looked between Joy and Liz and spotted me. Her gaze widen as she recognized me, "Hi Mrs. Rodriguez." I said and hugged her. "Dear boy, it's been far too long since I last saw you, but you haven't changed a bit!" She said holding me at arms length, "But you got handsomer let me tell you that." I blushed a bit and chuckled. "Come on inside. Liz everyone will be so thrilled to see you." She said and we came in, some people were chatting, others watching old pictures of Mr. Rodriguez. "We just got back from the funeral, I'm sorry you missed it." Carmen said to Liz with a apologetic smile, "Don't worry mom, I'll visit him later." She grabbed her hand and guided Liz to the living room, we followed up close and as usual people were staring at us but I dismissed it. "Familia!" Carmen called out getting the attention of everybody in the room and even from the kitchen. "Who can guess who is this young lady?" Everyone in the living room had confused looks and were concentrating really hard. "Seriously guys? None of you recognizes Little Lizy?" Said Liz letting her hands fall on either side of her and soon the confused looks turned into a shocking realization. "Oh my God!!" Everyone started screaming and rushed towards her crashing Liz into a hug and holding her at arms length. "I just love family reunions, I just wished it wasn't under this circumstance, even though they're happy, they're still grieving." I said to Joy and she nodded. "I agree, but it's better to see them like this than being sad, Puerto Ricans tend to be this joyous." Joy said smiling where Liz was who was looking happy that she was with her family once again. "Who are you two?" Asked a teenage girl, annoyed of being here. I looked at Joy and she shrugged, "We're friends of the family." I said kindly and she rolled her eyes at us. "You guys can leave, I don't know you." She said raising a brow at us and Joy was about to attack her but I held her back, but before I could say anything Liz came. "Sorry guys, Katy doesn't have any kind of matters. Katy, this is my best friend Joy and this is my boyfriend Kellin." Liz said standing close to me, "Whatever.." She said leaving, "What a little.." Joy started to say and Liz cut her off, "Bitch? I know, she's one of the youngest cousins. She's a real drag queen. Oh Joy be careful with that guy over there." Liz said pointing her head towards a tall man, sculpted body and brown hair. "He's a 'lady killer' so be very high class on him ok? Destroy his ego." Liz said and Joy looked excited, "Nothing could give me the greater pleasure." Joy said smiling mischievously and she caught his attention and he winked at her. "Got him. See you guys later." Joy said walking away and the guy's eyes never left Joy, after a second he excused himself and went to where I assume is to find Joy. "That guy is never satisfied, he wants all the women." She said and I grabbed her waist, "Well, I don't care, but as long as he keeps his hands off of what's mine I'm good." I said and she bit her lips. "So possessive Quinn." She said and slightly opened her mouth in surprise and I grinned. "You have no idea." She playfully slapped my chest and I hugged her. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked her and she nodded, "Yes please,  be careful with my cousin AKA queen bitch." She said and I chuckled, I went over to the kitchen and some people were in there talking and eating, I received a few polite smile and nods. When I got to the fridge it was glorious. Two Mountain Dew's were there, standing as if it was meant for us. I grabbed them and when I turned a young woman was standing in front of me, "I'm sorry, do you need something from the fridge?" I asked politely but she shook her head and looked at me like a hungry vulture. "I do need something, but I don't think I'll be finding it in there." She said and closed the space between us and I stepped back. "Maybe what I need is just right in front of me." She whispered close and licked her lips. "Listen, I happen to have a girlfriend and she happens to be your family now if you excuse me.." I said trying to walk past her but she grabbed my shirt. "Yeah I know, your 'Little Lizzy's' boyfriend, come on, let's head up to her room, no one has to find out." She said trying to look sensual but I honestly find it unattractive when a lady acts like this. "Claire, leave him alone." A familiar woman stepped in pulling her back slightly. "My apologies, my niece gets a little too friendly." I widen my gaze as I recognized her, "Miss Rodriguez?? The Spanish teacher?" I asked her and she looked at me for a second, "You can't possibly be little Kellin Quinn." She said smiling and I nodded enthusiastically, we hugged each other in a friendly embrace. "Look how you've grown boy! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages." She said holding me at arms length. "Well to make long story short, Liz and I are together, so I came to make her company." I said smiling at her, "Liz is here too? I can't wait to see her, I haven't seen her in years." I looked behind me and Liz was walking towards the kitchen "And now you get to see her." I said smiling at our old teacher and she gasped. "Elizabeth?" She asked holding her face, "The one and only." Liz grinned at her and they hugged each other, "My God, you look exactly like your father, you're so beautiful. Kellin, take care of her." She said looking at me and so did Liz, "I intend to." I said giving Liz her drink and she smiled at me. We got into talking and since it was early, Liz and I talked on going to our old school and go to the park afterwards. 

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