Part 1

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 Liz's POV

Ughh first day of high school as sophomore. Today was going to be a pain in the ass. As I get everything ready I look in the long mirror by the door. Why do I even bother? No matter how hard I tried to look good, I will always be the chubby girl everyone will pick on. I wore some blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a pair of converse. As I took a deep breath I dare to look at my face; my glasses were all goofy looking because the were a little big for my bright light brown eyes, my big cheeks covered by a few freckles, and I smile to myself looking at my purple colored brackets. But I frown, knowing that there will be other girls better looking than me and eventually will pick on me. The thought of it brings my mood down. I shake my head grabbing my bag I head out. 

I arrived early but the school was packed with senior jocks with beautiful looking girls. There were also a lot of freshmen kids looking nervous and even scared can you blame 'em?  I took a deep breath as I made my way into the double doors, feeling a cool breeze brush my coffee black hair back. Everyone was walking across the halls looking for their locker and their new class's room. I made my way into the office and a kind lady in her late 20's maybe, welcomed me with a big smile.  "Hello sweetie, what can I do for you?" I gave her a small smile "Well I'm new here, so I'm checking up my classes and my locker."  "Of course! What's your name?" She said looking at the screen, "I'm Elizabeth V. Rodriguez." Typing what I assume was my name her concentrated eyes were soon joined by a smile. "Yes I have you right here. You have Geometry, Biology, English, a course of Spanish, History and you can choose between art or music." She said looking up at me from her desk. "Music, please." her smile grew wider as I made my choice. "Prefect! We need talent in our school and you'll love it." As she printed out my classes she said "Well I have to say you got all the best teachers in your program, you'll have an amazing year. Oh! And before you go and I forget my name is Angela if you ever need anything or have something to discuss feel free to come to me ok?" I nodded my head, "Thank you." I smiled at her and she gave me a piece of paper with my locker information. The bell rang and I waited for the halls to clear up a little bit so I could find my locker and get to class and say as an excuse that I got lost. 

Once the halls cleared up a little bit I was making my way to my locker and finally found it, but luck was not on my side... Two lockers after mine there were some jocks talking. I took a deep breath and look serious trying not to get their attention. I moved forward to my locker and they noticed me. My breathing was quicken but I try to not let it show. I was struggling a little bit with the locker and I was getting frustrated I heard some muffled laughs but I ignored them. When I look to my side one of them stood beside me. "Would you like some help?" but his words were genuine "Umm yeah please." I said letting out a bit of air. He look at the paper I held in my hand and he opened it. "Thank you." I gave a shy smile and he smiled back. "No problem, I'm Bruce." he said extending his hand "I'm Liz, nice to meet you." I put my hand in his and we shook our hands. "Liz? is that short for a name or is it just Liz?" He said putting his hands in his jean pockets. "Well, yeah it's Elizabeth but I prefer Liz." I said putting my things inside the locker, looking behind his shoulder I could see his friends whispering and staring. "Well I think that Elizabeth is a beautiful name." He said smiling, and I could tell that he was the sweetest of the group but hey people lie right? I'm not letting my guard down. "Well um, I should get going, thanks for helping me with my locker situation." I said "No problem, Do you need any help getting into one of your classes?" he asks his geyser eyes looking at me. "Uh no it's fine, I can manage." I said smiling at him. "Well ok then. See you around Liz." He gave a sad smile and his voice had a touch of disappointment. I shake my head internally because I was confused. I waved at him and finally left to go in search of my English class which I was fifteen minutes late. 

My classes went really smoothly but boring. I only had fun in Geometry, the teacher is incredibly funny and he loved how we shared some rock music, so automatically I was his favorite. I made it to lunch which was completely full of students. I stood at the entrance looking at everyone socialize, steal each other's food for fun, the table of popular girls talking, and beside one of the girls sat a very bored guy listening to every word that came out of her. His green eyes full with boredom, his lips put into a pout and his dark raven black hair all over his face. He caught me staring at him and he gave me a smile and I looked away and made my way to eat something and sit outside alone. I was looking down and I bumped into someone making them almost fall but I grabbed a slim wrist and saw it was girl that almost had the same outfit as me and also had brackets. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, are you ok?" She just gave me a wide smile "I'm fine! It's ok, what's your name?" she asked me. "I'm Liz, what about you?"  "I'm Joy, nice to meet you Liz! I like your brackets!" I blushed a little bit. "Thanks." Her blonde short hair framed her face perfectly bringing her bright blue eyes out, her slimmed nose, full lips was to die for, she was really pretty. "Do you have any friends for you to hang out with?" I shook my head looking down. "Well now you have one." She said and my attention turned to her. I smiled at her and out of no where she hugs me. "I know what it's like." she whispered in my ear. We exchanged phones and she left because she had to go and sign up for the soccer team. 

I bought some chips and I had a Mountain Dew I had brought from home. I sat down outside where a lonely tree stood. I started eating and got out from my bag my program to see which class I had left. concentrating hard I never noticed a pair of black converse in front of me. When I looked up, a familiar black raven hair came to view. He sat down in front of me just staring. I was really confused. "Umm... Hi?" I half asked. "Hey, what's your name?" He simply said. "It's Liz, what about you?" He smiled at my response. "I'm Kellin."  "Nice to meet you Kellin, I really like your name." He gave me a big smile showing off his amazing smile, he was really cute. "What is that?" he said pointing at my drink. "It's Mountain Dew, do you want some?" he scrunched his nose "Not really, it looks like a booger drink." I laughed "Try it, is really good I promise." I extended my hand with my drink, he was unsure but he took it anyways. He took a small sip tasting it first. After that he took a big gulp and said "WOW! This is really really good!! Can I have it pleaseeee?!!" I laughed even more. "No way this is my lunch, give it back before you drink the whole thing." He groaned and gave it to me and I chuckled. "Alright I'll bring an extra one for you tomorrow, I'm glad you liked it, it's my favorite drink." You could see the happiness in his eyes "You're the best!" The bell rang indicating it was time to get back to our classes and I was kinda sad because I wanted to spend more time with Kellin. "Well, time to go, what classes do you have?" I looked at the paper and it said "Well now I have Spanish and then Music class." "Cool, me too. I'll catch up later, I have to meet up with my girlfriend." Bummer. "Ok, see ya." He run off and I was walking to my class.

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