Part 9

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 Kellin's POV 

 "Alright. I'll go and get your drinks." She smiled at the guys and then at me and left through some doors. She's changed so much, this even doesn't look real. But the sweetness in her voice, and the kindness in here eyes led me to believe that it's really her. I hope she hasn't changed much. Because I fell in love with the old her ten years ago and she never knew. The only people who knew was Vic, Joy and Bruce. I never forgave myself for what I did to her, and any time I thought of her guilt would wash over me. "Heeey! Yeah I know she's beautiful but snap out of it!" Said Justin snapping his fingers in front of me. "If you could only see how stupid you look." said Jesse. "Don't give me that shit, you all looked as stupid as me when all of you saw her first." Jesse stopped laughing and squinted his eyes at me. "Yeah, so? Maybe I'll ask for her number and take her out." I felt my head warm as Jack said it. I knew it was a joke but, why do I get jealous?  "Go ahead, by all mean Jack, that is, if you really have the guts 'cause let's face it you don't talk to girls." Everyone else laughed. "You little bitch dwarf." I started laughing and threw him a piece of paper. "HEY!" I shouted. "She's mine alright? So back the fuck off of her." They all looked at me, "That's what I what I thought my minions." Before anyone could say anything else, Vic arrived with Jaime. "Hey guys!" They said walking up to us, I got up and gave each other a hug, and shaking Jaime's hand. "What's up?" Said Vic sitting down beside me. "Not much, just the fact that Kellin almost kills us for staring at his girlfriend." said Jesse mockingly "She's just an old friend." I said sticking my tongue at Jesse and he gave me the middle finger. Vic looked at me confused. "Who is he talking about?" he whispered "Remember my high school best friend?" I asked him, he looked away for a second and answered."Yeah, um Liz was it? Yeah, you wouldn't stop talking about her." Yeah thanks for helping me out Fuentes real smooth.  "WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!" All of us turned to Jesse as he stood up. "Vic knew about Liz and we DIDN'T??!" Oh shit. Then the guys turned, glaring at me. "Hey guyss, what's up? Nice glasses Jesse, they look great on you bud." I said pointing at him and winked. He sat down again "Cut the shit Quinn, talk." I heard the door open and looked to my side to see that Liz was walking to us. "Alright me and Liz are going to tell you guys everything ok?" I whispered loudly. 

 She came up to us smiling, looking over to Vic confused. She gave everyone's drinks and handed me my Mountain Dew. I was so grateful she remembered. I mouthed 'Thanks' to her and she winked at me. She was so beautiful. Vic hit my leg with his foot making me snap out of it. "Vic, this is an old friend of mine, Liz." I said to Vic as I introduced her to him grabbing her arm. Thankfully she didn't flinch. "Liz, this is my best friend Vic Fuentes." I said looking at Vic and then I pointed at Jaime. "And the other weird Mexican." I said not showing any importance whatsoever. "Hey!! I have a name." said Jaime looking at me, then he turned to Liz. "I apologize for his untrained manners Liz, I'm Jaime." She laughed a little showing off her amazing smile. "Well it's really nice to meet you guys. Can I get you something to drink and some food?" She asked, smiling down at them. I then realize that I still had my hand in her arm. Unnoticeable I let it fall while she was distracted taking everyone's orders. I also noticed that she had a few tattoos on her arm. Maybe I'll ask her later.  All of the sudden I hear everyone started to tell their orders at the same time. "Alright Jesse, what do you want?" When Liz asked Jesse all of the guys were surprised, but before I could say anything Gabe protested. "Why Jesse? I'm way more good looking than Jesse though." She got close to Gabe and whispered something in his ear and Jack leaned in to listen too. Jack gave her a thumbs up and Jesse glared at them, squinting his eyes. We all ordered burgers and she left once again. Jesse was on his phone and I leaned towards Jack and asked "What did Liz say?" He gave me a 'are you serious?' face "Really Kellin?" he said "Dude chill for a bit, it's ok." Said Vic grabbing my shoulders. I didn't knew why I was so anxious and nervous. Maybe because of how I ended things with her the last time I saw her.  "Do you think that she'll forgive me Vic? After everything I've done and said to her." I looked at him and reality started to hit, hard. "Dude, have you seen the way she has been since she saw you? If she hated you she wouldn't be here, or tell you who she was; because let me tell you, she doesn't look at all like the pictures you showed me a while back." He was right, I nodded at him and took a deep breath, "Alright then, so chill."

 We kept talking and a little after Liz came with two big trays over her head. They looked awfully heavy, I'm surprised she could manage. "Alright guys. These burgers are extra special. They're just made and especially made for you guys. Close your eyes, it's a surprise." We all groaned and Jesse protested. "But I'm hungryyyyyy Liz!!" he said whining. She laughed at him showing once again her perfect smile and said. "Well the faster you close your eyes, the faster I can give you your food." He quickly covered his eyes slapping his face. We all laughed and closed our eyes. I could've sworn that her face was inches away from mine but I remained my eyes closed. Then a mouthwatering smell filled my nostrils and I wanted to drool all over. "Not yet!" I was so eager to eat. I wonder what she's doing.  "Alright boys, dig in!" I heard her say. When I opened my eyes there was a fucking buffet in front of all of us! Jesse's eyes looked like they were going to pop at any moment and his mouth almost touched the floor. Then I looked at Liz, her face full of excitement and happiness, exactly like the last time I saw her. A man came from the kitchen and went to Liz whispering something to her ear. When he was done she smiled. "Guys I'll be right back." She announced following the guy. Jealousy ran through my body. But I shook my head dismissing it and began eating. "You ok Kells?" asked Vic as he notice that I was frowning. "Nothing, I'm fine." I said smiling at him and continued eating. After a few moments she came back with another tray over her head assuming that it was our refill. "More drinks!" celebrated Jack and I looked down at my food, trying to hide my ridiculous jealousy. "Well if you guys don't mind, I'll be putting this here." My eyes widen as she placed the biggest pizza I had ever seen. "We didn't order this. Did we?" I said looking at the guys confused and concerned. "No. It's on me, don't worry, and I have to eat too because I didn't eat much at home. Jesse stood up and looked at Liz, Oh no, here it comes. "Liz. I love you. You are the Pizza Goddess." We all started laughing hysterically. She soon joined us, taking a seat between Jack and me. As Liz was taking some fries and a slice of pizza, Justin says, "So Liz, tell us about yourself, and how you me Kellin." Liz looked at me, her light caramel eyes bright with excitement. "Well ok, but Kellin has a lot of explaining to do, so he'll be helping me out." She said smiling at me. And I know what she means by that. The guys turned at us and looked confused, they never could guess our story.

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