Part 6

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Liz's POV

I woke up early to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I sat up straight quickly with my long coffee black hair all over my face. I stretched my arms and breathe in the happiness I felt and the mouthwatering smell coming from the kitchen. I swing my legs to the side of the bed and took a quick shower. Once I was done I went to my room and picked out my uniform because I had to go to work in 40 minutes. I put on some black skinny jeans, black converse and a black polo. I worked as a waitress at a nearby restaurant and it was really nice. I did my makeup to look natural, I never needed much makeup, well maybe 10 years ago I had to. I looked in the mirror and a slim figure with amazing curves stared back at me. The chubby girl you knew? Was no more. Her beautiful eyes looked amazing without the big rimmed glasses, and a perfect white smile spread across her face. No more brackets! The big cheeks she had? Completely gone, only the few freckles remain intact and a slimmed nose. She was perfect. After the move I was devastated to what had happened to me. But my aunt had a friend who was a psychologist, she helped me get over my depression. She always reminded me that 'We all have a purpose in life' and that 'there is so much more in life than pain and sorrow.' And also reminded me to stay positive and that life was beautiful. The only way I could move on was if I would forgive myself and Kellin. And I did, I forgave us both; But I could never tell him because he didn't ever wanted to know about me. But, I moved on... The psychologist recommended me to do exercise and we agreed. Her husband is a personal trainer and since we were like family she said that I didn't have to pay him anything that she would do it later. I smiled at the thought. The way my aunt and my cousins were, so happy and full of life it was contagious and it was just what I needed after all I've been through. I had visited my parents a week ago for the first time. I wanted my transformation to be a surprise. And surprised they were, they didn't recognize me at first glance but then they went all kinds of crazy and cried. After spending the night there I called Joy in the morning. "Hey girl, what you doing?" I asked casually. "Oh nothing hanging out with Bruce at the park, what about you?" She said sounding bored. "Aww that's cute. Well I'm heading out to the beach." she groaned "I want to go to California with youuuuu! I miss you!" She said whining. But she didn't knew was that I was seeing her sat down in a bench in front of a lake, her head in Bruce's shoulder. Her short hair was now long with an ombre effect. "I miss you too. You'll see me soon I promise." she sighed, "Well ok, I love you take care." I smiled she is going to be so happy when she sees me. "I love you too, bye." I hung up and she looked up at Bruce, hugging her tightly he kissed the top of her head. I took my phone and decide to record her. I went slowly up to them and I heard her saying to Bruce very sadly. "I just miss her so much. I wish I could see her again." My face softens and I spoke behind her. "Well I missed you too kiddo." Her head quickly turned into my direction, her eyes big and wide. "Ummm earth to Joy yoohooo!" I waved my hand in front of her face and she blinked. "Liz?" I smiled, "Well unless you have another best friend I didn't know of I would be pissed." She instantly started screaming and jumped at me tumbling us to the ground. I laughed and she gave me a death crushing hug, but I didn't care, I missed her. She and Bruce were astonished at my transformation and I never told how much weight I lost. I talked to her and told her that if I buy an apartment she would be willing to move in with me and said that she'll think about it. I smiled remembering the past week. I also saw Sasha but she didn't recognize me. She had two strollers and looked like shit. Well Karma, you've really outdid yourself.  

 I heard my aunt call for me downstairs and I was in complete dreamland mode. I shook my head, took my phone and left. Running downstairs I could hear my cousins fighting for food. I was the oldest so that put me half in charge. "Good Morning Lizy, did you sleep well?" My aunt asks as I'm entering the kitchen. "Like always tia." I said kissing her cheek. "Oh hey, I found an apartment. It's not far from here, maybe we could check it out when I get out of work? Sounds good?" I ask my aunt taking a little bit of eggs, pancakes and bacon, some orange juice and water. "Of course darling, nothing could give me the greater pleasure. What time to you get out?" as I took a bite "At six." with a mouthful and my family laughed. I saw the time and I was going to be late. "Shit." I muttered to myself, "Sorry guys gotta run!" 

I got to my car and sped up a little bit and got there on time. I went inside and I was greeted by my co-workers, they were all very special to me and good friends. "Hi Abby, sorry I'm almost late." I said wrapping the small apron around my hips. "It's ok, my shift is almost over so I'm leaving early. Greg and I are going someplace romantic." She said giving me googly eyes. I laughed "Aw well isn't that sweet. You guys need some time alone, you know the kids and all." she smiled "Yeah, I know." She said passing me a little note to write the orders and a pen I put up my ponytail. "Well, have fun Abby."  "Thanks sweetheart." A ruckus called my attention as a group of tattooed guys entered. "Well, what a way to start my shift. It's going to be fun." She laughed at me and I winked  at her making my way to get their orders. "Hi, Welcome to Anna's can I get you guys a drink before ordering?" I said smiling at them. They notice me when I spoke which left them barely speechless when they saw me. "Ok maybe a glass of water." Thirsty much guys? They snapped out of it. "Um yeah I'll have a coke." A guy with short black hair "Me too" said the other three. "Ok then." I said writing down their orders. And one of them was looking at the menu. His hair looked oddly familiar. Oh my God. "I'll have-" before he could say anything I cut him off.  "Let me guess... A Mountain Dew?" The four guys that were sitting at the table looked at me confused. His head turned to me, green eyes met mine, confused. "How'd you know? Are you a mind reader?" He asked. I smiled at him. "Probably, or maybe you better have a closer look. Kellin." I said raising a brow at him, he looked at me with best attention and his eyes grew wider in realization. "Liz? Elizabeth? Is that really you?" He remembers! "The one and only." He gaped at me and he got up, pushing the chair back and bringing me into his embrace. "I missed you." He whispered into my ear. I couldn't help but to feel the warmth and love I felt for this man ever since I've met him. "I've missed you too Kel." 

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