Part 40

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Kellin's POV

"What time is your mom arriving today?" I asked Liz as she was changing her clothes. "Uh, at 2:30 I have to be at the airport to pick her up. I looked at my phone and it was only 11:24 in the morning. "Liz come here." I said motioning my index finger to come to me. She looked confused and I sat on the bed and she sat beside me. I grabbed her waist pulling her up and dragged her to  the top of the bed, and lay down. "What?" She asked looking lost, I hugged her close and inhaled her sweet, intoxicating scent. "Nothing, let's just take a nap, I didn't sleep last night at my apartment." I said and she hugged me, "Why not?" Honestly? I couldn't sleep without Liz. I thought that it was stupid and that it was all in my head, but I was wrong, when I sleep with her is like I have good dreams, but every time I'm not with her, it's just horrible nightmares. "I don't know, I just couldn't fall asleep. Come on let's take a nap." I said to Liz closing my eyes and she kissed my nose and I smiled. I didn't want to tell Liz about my nightmares, because it was all about her. Last night, I had a dream that I found her with Michael, and that she wouldn't forgive for what I did too her. I shook my head slightly, I didn't want to think about that anymore, all that matter is that I have her in my arms for as long as I wanted. "Kel?" She asked and I opened my eyes, "Yes?" She looked slightly disturbed. "Do you think that we'll be together forever?" she asked, and to be frankly honest her question surprised me a bit. "I do think so, and I want it to be like that; do you?" I asked looking down at her, "Of course I want to. But what if we get separated again?" She said looking scared of the thought of it. "Hey don't say that, I couldn't live with myself if I ever lost you again, I don't think I'll survive that hell I went through again, and I promised you that no matter what, I was always going to be by your side." I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead, she visibly relaxes and she closes her eyes and so did I. 

Five minutes passed and Liz was cursing under her breath beside me. "Shit, shit shit shit I'm going to be so fucking late!" She said kicking the covers of her bed putting her shoes on, I groaned and looked at my phone, it was 1:35. "I blame you Quinn. Are you going to come with me? After I pick her up I'm taking her to my aunt's and stay there while she gets settled in." She said picking up her phone and keys. "Sure, gotta see the mom in law." I said getting up and when I looked at Liz her eyes were big. She shook her head and waited for me outside. What was that about?  I put on my converse and a beanie and walked to the living room where Liz was. The guys weren't here today, only Justin who was hanging out with Joy and they headed to the beach today; Jesse was at the park spending some family time with Ashley and Olive and Jack and Gabe were also spending the day with their girlfriends. And well I was also spending the day with my girl. "Ready?" She said looking at me. "Let's go." I said smacking her butt and she did the same, "Hey easy, remember I don't have pillows in my ass like you." I said rubbing my butt and she pushed me out the door. "Screw you Bostwick." She said locking the apartment with her keys and walked down the steps. "You drive." She said handing me the keys walking towards her car. We got in and I started the engine, we moved forward and headed to the the direction where the airport is. Liz looked lost in thought, looking out the window, "Something in your mind?" I asked and she looked at me, "Hmm? Oh it's nothing." She said shifting in her seat, "Liz whatever it is I want you to know that you can tell me. I'm not only your boyfriend, but I'm still your best friend." I said to her squeezing her knee, she smiled at me and then sighed. "Ok, but this was just me thinking, like I don't want that after I tell you this you feel rushed or anything like that ok?" She said and I was completely curious of what she had to say. "Umm, ok have the ummm thought of getting married ever crossed your head? Even the slightest?" She asked and she looked tensed up, I momentarily froze but I didn't want her to have a bad idea. "Being completely honest? Maybe I have, like the slightest thought of it, but I didn't want to think much of it, because well, we're only starting our relationship, but yeah I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you." I said grabbing and kissing the back of her hand. "Kellin how have you become so precious to me?" She said smiling, "Well, I don't know." I said shrugging and she held my hand. Marrying Liz? Spending the rest of my life with her? It's a big step, but a big step that I'm willing to take, and if she asked me that it's because she has been giving it though too, and I know that eventually she wants to get married, we've known each other since forever, because those years that we've been separated it's like it never happened and we've been together through all this time, I think that we've surpassed the hardest task and it was being separated from one another, not knowing anything. 

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