Part 14

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Liz's POV

When I got back from the bathroom Kellin was asleep on the couch. I leaned on the frame of the door and hugged myself, I saw how his chest slowly rose up and down. His face looking so small with his hair all over his face. I smiled to myself and went over to him. I bent my knees and my face was a little bit above his. His perfect nose, his lips had a small pout as he was sleeping. He looked peaceful. I took my hand and with my fingers I brushed a few hair strands that were on his face. Once I cleared his face I took my time looking at him putting my hand on his face once again I stroke his cheek with my thumb. "I've missed you so much, I never thought I would ever see you again. I thought I had lost you." I whispered, feeling so happy that he's in my life once again and this time it stays like this, I'll make sure of it. I kissed his forehead and when I got up I heard loud whispers. When I turned around Jesse, Jack, Gabe and Justin were looking at me with warmhearted faces. "What?" I said looking at them. "Oh nothing, Liz." said Gabe pushing his shoulders high. "You like him right?" asked Jesse and they all turned to him "Dude what the fuck chill." said Justin "What? I didn't say anything bad did I?" Gabe rolled his eyes and we heard a grunt. "Guysss could please shut up I need a nap." Said Kellin sleepily. "Nah dude, no naps." protested Jesse and Justin nudged his side. "Come one guys, he didn't sleep much last night let him sleep for a while. We'll wake him up later." said Justin and we all walked through the door, but before I could get out Kellin called for me. "Liz." I looked at him and he was pouting. "What is it Kel?" I asked "Come here." He said trying to hold his eyelids up. I went over him and made the position I had earlier. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Sing me something and sleep with me, please?" I smiled at him "Ok." I whispered. The couch was a bit spacious so we could both fit in it. "You want me to make up a lullaby?" I asked joking. "That would be just perfect." He said looking at me. I lay down looking at him. I didn't think he was going to say yes but let's see. "Ok let's see what can I sing for you." I was thinking and he said "Just sing whatever feels like singing about." I took a deep breath and started. 

"Please don't go.."

"My life is finally complete, with you by my side." 

"We can't live without one another, I know that now.."

"Please forgive me for all that I've done." 

"I swear I will never leave you alone." 

"Promise me you'll stay and you won't leave me.."

"Because we're too young to love but it doesn't seem wrong."  

"Let's stay together forever.."

"Like it was meant to be." 

"Forever you and me." 

I stared at him and I was starting to feel sleepy myself. A yawn escaped my mouth and he chuckled. "Take a nap, you must be tired." I nodded my head not wanting to say another word. "Turn around" he said to me, I turned and he hugged me from behind bringing me closer to him. He nuzzled my hair and my eyes got heavy and it was completely dark...

"Liz." I heard someone calling me from a distance. "Liz, wake up." It got closer. "Liz!" I suddenly wake up sitting up straight. "Bacon and eggs!" I said and the guys were laughing, looking to my side Kellin stood by. "Good evening sleeping beauty, I hope you sleep well." Then I remembered that we took a nap together. "I'm sorry, did I hit you in my sleep?" I said putting my feet on the floor and Kellin laughed. "Not all all, you didn't even flinched I was starting to worry." I smiled and remembered something, "Oh Kellin I have something for you." I told him and the guys were looking at me. "This time is only for Kellin guys, next time for all of you ok?" The guys groaned and Kellin looked at me confused. "Give me my bag please." I told him and he went off to the table, grabbing it and handed it to me. "Thanks loser." I said to him peeking through my lashes. "I'm not a loser yet." He said giving me a wink. I bit my lip and search in my bag for what I had bought for him. "Ok, since it's more than one thing, you have to sit down and close you eyes." He looked curious and eager. He sat down beside me and covered his eyes. I made sure he wasn't looking and I made stupid faces. He didn't laugh or say anything, so I assume that he wasn't looking. I put a finger up to my lips signaling the boys to 'don't say anything' Jesse put his hands up defensively, Gabe put his right arm up and made 'cross my heart'. Justin and Jack just nodded. Going through my bag, I took out some Cheetos, some skittles, oreos, gummy worms and a Monster.  I looked over to the guys and even they looked happy, except Jesse who was gaping at me. "Alright Kellin, open your eyes." He uncovered his eyes slowly and opened them. Then his eyes shot open big and so did his mouth. "OH MY GOD CAN THIS DAY GET ANY BETTER?" He said and I giggled. "Why does he get all the junk food?" said Jack. "Well, because I know him very well." I said as a matter of fact. "Once I get to know you guys better, I'll spoil you guys too don't worry." I said to them and they looked at me in agreement and then they started to talk among themselves. "Hey, thank you for this, I can't believe you still remember." Whispered Kellin to me putting his hand on top of mine. "Of course I remember! How could I even dare to forget? Kel you were my best friend in high school I still know a few things about you that hasn't changed." I said smiling at him. "I know it's just that after what I did to you, everything was so hard and different without you. And now here we are as if nothing ever happened and the ten years we've never been together well it basically evaporated. I missed you a lot, and now you're here with me." He squeezed my hand and he smiled at me. "Well, like I said, I forgave you a long time ago. I could never stay mad at your face forever. I'm just glad you didn't mean any of those things." I kissed his cheek and he blushed a bit. "Oh I also have a favor to ask." I told him changing the subject. "Anything." He gave me a wink and I blushed. "I was wondering if you, and the guys can come too, could help me and Joy move in tomorrow. That is if you want to and if you can. We could use the extra hands." I told him and he glared and me, but didn't say anything. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him. "Liz you don't need to ask silly. Of course we'll help out. Speaking of which; is Joy still with Bruce?" Why is he asking me this?  "Well um that's why she's moving in with me, she broke up with him after I left Oregon a few weeks ago. Why do you ask?" I asked completely curious. "Well... When we were on Facetime. Justin fell in love with her and asked me if she had a boyfriend and I thought of Bruce but I didn't knew." Really? Justin? Wow Joy is going to be so flattered. "Well, well, well. Guess somebody has a crush on my best friend." I said in a cocky voice. Raising an eyebrow. "Well yeah, he liked her. And since she'll be here by tomorrow we can all hang out." This is awesome! Everything is falling into place. "Of course!" I couldn't contain my happiness. I jumped off the couch and hugged Kellin. The guys started to say "Aww" behind us and it made me laugh. "I smell burgers and fries." Vic's head pop in through the door and the guys greeted him with enthusiasm. "Hi Vic." I said grinning at him. "Oh hey Liz! You're here too, great. Guys come on in here." He said coming in further and three more guys followed close and everyone started to hug each other. They all looked so close, like family all of them, and it made me feel like home. "Liz, I'd like you to meet my band and more than that my family. This is Tony, we call him turtle;" said Vic putting a hand in his shoulder, "you've already met Jaime," Jaime winked at me and I giggled. "See Vic, chicks dig me." He shrugged looking cocky "Shut up dude, you just look funny." He said to him and turned to the other man beside him. "And this is my brother Mike, he likes to take his shirt off." He said and I laughed. "Well, Vic I gotta say, she's really cute." Mike said wriggling his eyebrows at me. "Fuck off bro she's Kellin's girl." Vic said to him and Mike quickly looked at Kellin and scoffed. "Of course she's Kellin's girl, he gets the most beautiful girls for himself." Kellin shook his head and spoke. "Well for your information dipshit she was my best friend in high school. We saw each other again today after ten years." His eyes widen in surprise. "Hey guys, there's still some burgers and fries in there. I bought plenty." I said to them as they looked over to the table. "You bought all that?" asked Tony and I nodded. "Yup! I had to spoil my men." I said to them. "Oh yeah dude, when we went to meet up with these guys and ate at Anna's, Liz worked there. Oh my God we ate like pigs, Liz knew how to treat us and after the round of burgers she brought a large pizza and then dessert. This woman my friend knows how to treat a man rightly." He said putting a hand on his shoulder. "Dude you better take care of this girl, she's a keeper." Tony said to Kellin and Jesse stepped up. "Yup. That is true." Kellin looked at me with soft eyes. "That she is." He said to me smiling, and I could feel my stomach doing flips and my heart filled with fluttering butterflies. I haven't felt this in a really, really long time. I breathed out, blushing I smiled at him. A knock distracted us. "Guys get ready, we're starting in 30 minutes." Said a man and quickly left. The boys started to get their stuff such as guitars, bass guitar, drum sticks, the headphones, everything. "I'll be right back." Said Kellin before standing up from the couch and heading out. Jesse sat beside me.. "Finally, I can have this girl to myself." He said putting an arm around my shoulders. "No, no, no. Fuck off Jesse." Protested Jack. They started arguing and Kellin had already come back with a change of clothes in his hands. "AHA! So this is what you guys do behind my back huh? Tryin' to steal MY girl?" He said making his way to the room and I was biting my lip trying to contain my laughter. Jack looked like a puppy with its tail in between its legs, but Jesse didn't care. "Shut up Quinn. Liz needs a real man, like me." Kellin laughed, "Bitch you can't even man up to see Finding Nemo." He retreated his arm back from around my shoulders and looked at Kellin. "You know that movie is emotional Kellin." He said looking wounded. "Don't listen to this loser." I whispered at Jesse pointing at Kellin with my thumb. Jesse looked at Kellin his mouth in an 'O' shape. He looked hilarious. "What did you say?" He asked me in a warning voice. "Well if you're that curious, I told Jesse that you are a  LOSER." I said concentrating on the word loser. "Oh. It's on." He threw the clothes that he had on his hands on the floor and came up to me. "What was it that you said? That I was what?" He asked putting his ear in front of me. "Of course old man. I said that, You. Are. A. Loser." I smiled at him and he smiled back, but it was a mischievous grin. "That's what I thought." he said in front of me, and in a nano second he tackled me to the couch pinning my arms up. "Jesse hold her hands." He said as he was struggling a bit because I kept moving around. Kellin sat astride of me to keep me still. "So, let me get this straight, you think I'm a loser? Hmm... From where I'm standing it looks like it's the other way around." His grin grew wider and he hold out both of his hands. I know what he's gonna do. "Oh no, please no Kellin I didn't mean it! I swear." I said begging him for mercy, but no this man does not play like that. "Jack what did I say about the rules earlier?" He said to Jack, but his green eyes never let mine. "Rules are rules, if you break 'em you'll learn the consequence." Are you serious?  He's controlling them too? "Atta boy." He said looking over to Jack. "Jack no! Help me please!" I said to him but he looked at Kellin, "Sorry Liz, but I already learned my lesson." Out of no where Kellin starts to tickle me! I started to laugh and kick my feet in hopes I could get him off. Then someone held down my feet and I couldn't move. I felt tears coming down my face I could barely breath. "ALRIGHT! YOU'RE NOT A LOSER! PLEASE STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!" I said in between laughs. I was breathing hard and so was Kellin. We were panting like we just ran a marathon. "See? It wasn't that hard." He said to me and I glared at him. I put my hand on his face a pushed him, getting up from the couch. "I'll have my vengeance. On all of you; because none of you helped me. You'll even see me in your sleep." I said grabbing my bag, I had to take off my makeup. "Oh I'm so scared!" Said Kellin in a mocking voice. I chuckled. "You better be." I said heading into the bathroom. Outside I heard them talk, this meant war. I washed my face and did my makeup again but didn't use much of it either. I brushed my hair a little bit and took one last look on the mirror. I took a deep breath and when I opened the door Kellin was about to knock. He looked guilty but recovered it with a smile. "Sorry, was I taking too long?" I asked him genuinely "Um no, no I was uh gonna use the bathroom. Yup that's it." He said very awkwardly. "You are such a hopeless liar." I said walking past him. "Guys 15 minutes, Pierce the Veil, you start now come on." The man said and the guys started to move. "Alright guys let's get ready to rumbleeeeee!" Said Jack. We all laughed and took Kellin's Monster and the junk food I bought him. Jack and Jesse went up to me and say at the same time. "Liz please don't hate us." They pouted their lips like little kids. "Is just that Kellin has to many on his team, but if we work together we can get him." Said Jack. "I'll think about it, you guys let me down so you need to earn that trust again." They looked at each other and then at me and nodded. Kellin got out from the bathroom and went up to him. "Here, drink it before the show." I said handing him his Monster. "God you're so beautiful." He said and kissed my forehead. "No hard feeling right?" He said pouting and I smiled at him. "None..." If he only knew... Kellin wore a shirt that read Anthem, I really liked it, his usual black skinny jeans and a pair of converse. His arm was full of bracelets, and I notice one in particular and I gasped. "What is it Liz?" he said looking worried. I whispered, "You kept it.." I said looking at his wrist and then at him. He looked confused and looked down at his wrist again and his confused expression changed into realization. "Ohh, of course I kept it, I always wear it to all my concerts." He said brushing away some bracelets showing him one I gave him ten years ago. "This always made me feel close to you, even though I never knew about you." He said to me smiling and I hugged him. "Thank you." I whispered and he hugged me closer. "Guys you're on in five." The man said once again and the guys were all setup. After everyone went to the bathroom, they had changed their clothes and they had what they needed for tonight. I felt nervous for them, but it was more thrill and excitement running through my body. Kellin whispered in my ear. "Ready?" I nodded and he looked over to the guys. "Alright guys come on! Let's go and have fun a blow everybody's mind off!" The guys were pumped and we headed down the hall and in front of me there was the main stage. Pierce The Veil was finishing up their opening act with 'Caraphernelia.' They finished up the song and said through the mic. "Thank you Los Angeles! You've been an amazing crowd! Now the losers you came to see... Sleeping with Sirens! We love you!" He said looking over to us and Kellin rolled his eyes. The lights went of and Pierce the Veil got off the stage and walked up to us. "The crowd is all warmed up guys, just for you. And don't worry, we'll keep an eye on Liz, Kellin. But if you can't find her later you know what happened." Said Vic putting an arm around me and as Vic said the last part he darted his eyes to Jaime. "If I can't find her later I'll have your heads." He listened to something that came from his headphones. "Guys-" he said raising up some shot glasses and handing them out, me included. He raised his glass and we did the same, and then he looked at me. "-show time." He said and I raised a brow, we drank the shot tipping our heads back and everyone really got pumped. "Whoa! Let's do this!" Shouted Jack. Kellin kissed my cheek and left to the stage. You could hear the multitude of people screaming their heads off as soon as they turned on the lights. And I was the lucky girl who got to see it up close and personal...

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