Part 44

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Liz's POV

"Just got off work, and you?" I asked Kellin through the phone, getting in my car. "Well we finished making the list of songs we're playing at Warped Tour, so yeah we're pretty much done but we still have a few more things to do." He said through the phone, we've both been busy lately, but thankfully Anna was back and I could rest all I wanted. "Aww poor you. I'm heading home now, so I'll text you when I get there ok?" I said to him turning the engine on, "Sure thing booger face." He said and I chuckled, "Ok sex machine, I'll talk to you later." I said giggling and he groaned, "God! I love it when you call me that!!" He said and we both laughed. We said our goodbyes and I headed of to the direction of my apartment. I stopped at a small supermarket that was close by because I needed a few things. I got out of my car and walked inside. I grabbed some chips, Mountain Dew, some meat to make some spaghetti, the pasta and sauce, I grabbed Joy's favorite candies and headed to the checkout, an old lady greeted me with a smile, "Good day miss, will this be all?" She asked smiling grabbing the drinks. "I believe so, how's your day?" I asked her and she was taken aback at my question, "It's going well thank you for asking, and yours?" She asked putting the things in the bag, "Really busy, but everything's fine." I said and she handed me the bag, "Aren't we all? That'll be 21.42$." She said looking up. But before I could get my purse, someone talked beside me putting a fifty dollar bill on the counter. "I got it." He said and when I looked up it was freaking Brad Pitt!! What the actual fuck!! On the inside I was screaming to the heavens, but on the outside I was completely casual, but slightly shocked. "Mr. Pitt, so good to see you again." The old lady from the counter said, "Yeah, It's a while Beth, this girl treating you good?" He asked looking at me and she nodded, "Yes she's very polite and sweet." She said smiling. "Mr. Pitt, umm thank you but I can't just let you pay for my things." I said reaching for my bag and he held my hand, "Hey don't worry about it. Trust me I can afford it, and any friend of Beth is any friend of mine." He said smiling and sighed in defeat, "Fine then, if you're not letting me pay for my things, can I please have a picture?" I asked almost bringing my big puppy eyes out. "Of course!" He said putting his basket on the counter and I took my phone out quickly putting the camera, I put it on selfie mode and snapped a picture of us. I was going to take another picture but aimed where Beth was, "Hey Beth! Smile!!" I said and Brad also squeezed in and I snapped a picture of us three. "Thanks a lot, for the pictures and for my stuff, I really appreciate it." I said feeling small, and awkward.  "My pleasure....?" He asked waiting for me to same my name. "Elizabeth." I said and he smiled, "Elizabeth, a very beautiful name; take care!" He said shaking my hand smiling at me and I smiled back, "Thank you, and you too. Thank you Beth! I'll come visit soon." I said heading out, "Take care sweetheart!" She said and I head out getting into my car. "I can't believe what just happened a few moments ago." I said to myself staring blankly at the steering wheel before shaking my head and starting the car. 

"YOU MET BRAD PITT AT THE SUPERMARKET!" Joy shouted when I told her what had happened earlier. "No. I don't believe you." She said crossing her arms sitting stubbornly in the couch, I rolled my eyes and got out of the kitchen, walking towards her. "Why would I make that up jackass?" I said taking my phone, unlocking it. "Well I don't know. To try and get me jealous; Well guess what? That's not gonna work!" She smirked triumphantly and I put the phone in front of her face, showing her the picture, "Am I lying now?" I asked and her eyes got wide as she took the phone, "You little bitch!!" She said and tackled me down to the floor making me grunt. "HOW DARE YOU TAKE A PICTURE WITH BRAD PITT AND NOT BRING ME AN AUTOGRAPH!" She yelled at me, "BUT I STILL BROUGHT YOU YOUR FAVORITE CANDY! I'M SORRY!" I said yelling back at her, "CANDY DOESN'T SAY SORRY!" She said tugging my hair back and pinched my nose, "OWW! OK! OK! NEXT TIME I'LL TAKE YOU WITH ME! HE'S ALWAYS THERE!!" I yelled waiting for her to let go, she did but then to grab my ear making me cringe, "You promise?" She said in a threatening tone, "Yes! I swear to God. Cross my heart and hope to die, please let go it hurts!!" I begged and she let go, "See? You're the best. Now where's the candy?" She said in a sweet tone letting me go and I let out a deep breath. "If I knew you would've reacted like this, I would've never shown you the picture; Or say anything for that matter." I said glaring at her. "Whatev' you're making dinner?" She asked heading to the kitchen, "Yeah, I'm making spaghetti, something quick 'cause I'm really tired." I said heading to the kitchen as well and start to make food. "HEY! Are the guys free tonight?" Joy asked eating gummy bears, "Um, I don't know why?" I asked, quizzically staring at her. "Let's go out tonight! Let's hit the club! It's been since forever!" She said looking at me with big eyes hoping me to say yes. "Let me text Kellin." I said taking out my phone and she grinned in excitement. 

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