~Chapter 62~ Liam Shay O'Donoghue

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Before I could do anything else Danny jumped up and ran upstairs to get the bag that we'd already packed for when it would happen. A few seconds later he came running down the stairs again and threw the bag to Mark and run over to me to help me in the car. I got in the back with Danny while Mark and Rina were in the front getting to the hospital as quick as possible. When we were almost at the hospital I felt the pains coming up so Danny grabbed my hand and told me to squeeze it when I was in pain. I was glad when we arrived at the hospital and Dan and Rina got out with me while Mark went to park the car cause he stopped literally in front of the hospital entrance. Danny carried me inside while Rina ran in to get someone. I didn't take her long to come back with a nurse to told her to follow me to a room where Dan lay me gently down on the bed. The nurses said that I didn't have enough access so we still needed to wait which I expected cause unfortunately it doesn't go that quick.

"You're okay baby." He asked pressing a soft kiss against my hand which was holding his.

"Yeah. Can you please call my mum and Laura?" I asked when realized that they still didn't know anything.

"Yeah, of course." He said taking his phone out of his pocket. When he hung up again he said,

"They're getting here as soon as possible."

"Thanks." I said giving him a small smile.

Hours went by where I was just in pain but nothing really happened until a nurse said that I had enough access so in the next pain I needed to push. I grabbed Dan's hand who was sitting on my left hand and grabbed Rina's hand who was standing next to my mum on my right. I felt the pain coming up so I started to squeeze their hands trying to suppress the pain and tried to think about what I was doing it for like Rina told me. When the pain disappeared again Danny stroked my hand with his thump while pushing the hair out of my face with his free hand.

"You're doing amazing baby." He said softly giving my hand a light kiss.

"I hurts so much." I sobbed in reply.

"I know love, I know." He said trying to calm me down.

"Think about it this way, in a few hours you're holding your beautiful son in your arms." Rina said rubbing my arm. Before I could even reply I felt the next pain coming up so I grabbed the first hands I could get and squeezed them again. I think that if I squeezed them a little bit harder than I was doing that I'd fracture their hands but they didn't seem to mind so I didn't stop either.

After another few very painful hours I heard one of the nurses say,

"Congrataiolations with your son." And just when she finished her sentence I heard the sound of a small cry fill the room. The nurse asked Danny to cut the navel cord which he of course accepted and a few moments later the nurse passed Liam to me. I felt the tears in my eyes as soon as I held him in my arms and saw that Danny had tears in his eyes as well. Everybody left the room to give me and Dan a moment to ourselves with Liam.

"He's so beautiful." Dan whispered.

"Yeah, he looks like his daddy." I said smiling and moved a bit to the side of the bed so Dan could come next to me. Once he was lying next to me I passed Liam over to Danny who took him in his arms and looked down at him with so much love in his eyes. After a few minutes of us just staring at Liam asleep in Dan's arms we heard a knock on the door and my mum, Rina, Mark, Glen and Laura came walking into the room. Dan passed Liam to my mum and went outside for a second to call his own family. Everybody was standing around my mum looking down at Liam.

"He is so cute." Laura said smiling at me.

"Yeah." Is said smiling proudly.

"I'm so proud of you." My mum said with tears in her eyes as well. Everybody held Liam for a while and a few moments later Danny came walking back into the room.

"My mum's taking the first plane to London." He said giving me a kiss on my forehead. When the nurse came back in to check if everything was okay Liam started crying so the nurse said that he was probably hungry so everybody left the room except from Danny who passed Liam over to me while I started to feed him. When he was done he fell asleep again in my arms.

"Yup, definitely your son, the only thing he does is eating and sleeping." I said teasing Danny.

"Hey!" He said pouting. I laughed at him while he kissed me on my lips and gave a light kiss on Liam's forehead. 

"Can I just send a tweet out saying that's he's born?" He asked sitting back  in his chair next to my bed.

"Yeah, of course." I replied. He took his phone out of his pocked and typed something before showing it to me.

"I'm very proud to say that I just became a daddy of Liam Shay O'Donoghue, March the 3rd, 11.56 PM."

"Is that okay?" He asked while I was reading it.

"Yeah, perfect." I said smiling. He pressed on tweet and it didn't take the fans long to blow his twitter up but we just ignored it for now cause we were to busy with admiring our little boy.

Everyone's running from something but we don't know when it's coming... Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat