~Chapter 39~ Packing

Start from the beginning

"I don't think my boyfriend will like that."

"Oh, don't worry about him, cause I think, no I know, that he surely likes that." He replied smirking.

I continued to pack my suitcase and when I was finished I took it downstairs and put it in the corridor ready for tomorrow. Then I walked back upstairs and changed into something comfy -sweatpants and one of Dan's t-shirts, surprise!- and went back downstairs. Dan was walking with Skyler but could be home any minute so I decided to make us tea. When the water was boiling I heard 'shake it off' on the radio. It's such a happy song so I turned the volume on and sang along dancing weird through the living room and kitchen.

"Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play, And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate hate, hate hate Baby, I'm just gonna stake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby, I'm just gonna stake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off"

When the song was finished I was out of breath so I stood there catching my breath but then I saw Danny leaning against the doorframe laughing at me.

"Uhm, how much of that did you just see?" I asked embarrassed. 

"Enough!" He said still laughing.

"Don't be ashamed. I loved it! You're such an entertainer." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Thanks." I said rolling my eyes at him. I went to the kitchen to get our tea and walked back into the living room and cuddled up to him on the couch watching some television. Around 11PM we decided to go to bed cause Dan said that we'd have a 'busy day tomorrow.' I brushed my teeth and when I was finished I lied down next to Dan who took me in his arms.

"Night beautiful." He said kissing me.

"Good night handsome." I said smiling. I closed my eyes and soon enough I fell asleep.

*Next day*

I woke up early cause I was excited about what the surprise could be. I went downstairs and decided to make breakfast for me and Dan. When breakfast was finished I took it upstairs and into the bedroom where he was just waking up.

"Hello handsome." I said getting next to him in the bed.

"Morning gorgeous." He replied in his husky morning voice, which was damn sexy.

"I made us breakfast." I said picking the tray up from the ground.

"You're amazing." He said smiling, sitting up with his head against the headboard of the bed.

"Where are we going?" I asked while eating breakfast.

"Away." He said, still not giving anything away.

"Yeah, but where?" I asked trying again.

"You'll see." He said smirking.

"Ugh but I want to know!" I said laughing.

"I know. But then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. Would it?" He replied finishing his tea.

I gave up on asking what he had planned cause he wasn't giving anything away. We finished breakfast so I lied down again with my head on his bare chest playing with the little hairs on his abdomen that disappeared into his boxers, while he was playing with my hair and drawing patterns on my arm. We lied like that for about fifteen minutes until we had to get up and getting ready to catch our flight.

When we were ready to go we brought Skyler to Laura. I felt bad to leave her again, but I knew that she wouldn't mind cause she loves Laura and the other way around. We didn't even bother to knock so we just walked inside, and, surprise Glen and Laura were sitting cuddled up of the sofa.

"Hey lovebirds." I said when we walked into the living room.

"Hi babes!" Laura said jumping up and giving me a hug. 

We talked for a few minutes but then we had to go to the airport so we said our goodbyes and left. When we arrived at the airport we checked in and waited to board our plane. When we were finally allowed to go on the plane I saw that we had a plane to Paris!

"Dan?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah?" He replied looking up from his phone.

"Are we going to Paris?" I asked smiling.

"I hoped you wouldn't see it but yes. Or actually no. I know how much you love all those disney movies, so I'm taking you to disneyland." He said smiling.

"OOOOH MY GOD!! That's amazing!" I squealed with excitement.

"Glad you like it already." He said kissing me.

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