~Chapter 38~ Kiss

Start from the beginning

"You know, you're really good looking. I mean it's the second time that I'm seeing you shirtless and you've not disappointed me." She said putting her hand on my chest.

"Hmm. Are you finished?" I asked brushing her hand of my chest.

"Almost..." She replied and before I could do anything else she had pressed her lips against mine! I wanted to push her away but she had already taken the opportunity to come and sit on my lap with her hands in my neck pushing my head closer to hers. She opened her mouth and licked my  bottom lip. I felt myself getting angry so suddenly I stood up causing her to fall on the ground and said,

"I think you should go. And I really hope that you don't do that to everyone who are getting their make-up done by you! You're crazy. How can you do this to your own fucking sister!?" Okay maybe I shouted the last bit, but she refused to go. She stood up again and came walking up to me and put her hand on my chest again.

"DON'T!" I shouted grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand of my chest.

"We both know you liked it." She said with a small smile.

"No! I fucking hated every fucking second of it! Now fuck of!" I shouted again. I think other people had heard me cause Glen and Mark came walking in asking what was going on.

"I'll explain it to you in a second." I said pushing Maud out of the door and closing the door behind her.

"What happened here?" Mark asked giving me a weird look. So I explained them everything from when she pulled up at our house yesterday until what just happened a few seconds ago.

"She's crazy." Glen stated when I was finished.

"No shit sherlock." I replied continuing changing into the clothes for the photoshoot.

"Are you gonna tell Rose what just happened?" Mark asked when I was finished.

"I think so." I replied.

"I think you should. She has the right to know." Glen said when we walked to the place where the photos would be taken.


After the photoshoot we changed back into our normal clothes and went back home. I wanted to get home as quick as possible cause I wanted to tell Rose what happened and that I meant nothing. When we arrived at my house I said my goodbyes to the lads and walked inside.

"Hey babe." Rose said smiling when she walked down the stairs.

"Hi gorgeous." I replied kissing her on the cheek. I put my shoes and coat of and walked to the kitchen to make us both a cup of tea before I would tell her.

"Babe, I need to tell you something." I said walking into the living room with two mugs.

"Okay..." She said suddenly looking worried. I sat down next to her and started,

"So we had the shoot today, and well I just discovered that Maud is a make-up artist as well and she did my make-up and came pretty close and shit. But when I was changing she just came walking in saying that she forgot something, which I think is totally bullshit, so she did what she wanted to do. But then... She, she kissed me..." I said looking down at my hands. It stayed silent for a few seconds until she said,


"And what?" I asked confused.

"What did you do?" She asked looking me in the eyes.

"She tried to slip her tongue in my mouth and I got angry and stood up making her fall to the ground and shouted at her to go away. But then she said that she knew that I liked it, which is fucking bullshit cause it was horrible." I said being honest.

"So you didn't do anything?" She asked not showing any expression.

"No. I swear, and I wish that if I could turn back time that I wouldn't go to that fucking photoshoot cause I love you and I would never cheat on you or do something like this." I said taking her hands in mine and looking her deep in the eyes hoping that she could see in my eyes that I was telling the truth. She still didn't say anything so I decided to break the silence,

"Are you mad?" I asked her carefully.

"No. I'm not mad at you if that's what you mean. Yes. I'm mad at Maud, cause it's not the first time that she does something like this. And I believe you when you say that you didn't do anything cause I trust you. It's just that I thought that it was finally over with her taking my boyfriends away from me but no, here she is again kissing you!" She said raising her voice a little bit at the end of her sentence. 

"But she'll never take me away from you. You know that right?" I asked getting closer to her and taking her in my arms.

"I guess..." She whispered. 

"We're forever baby. I promise." I said rubbing her back.

"Forever." She replied.

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