I stepped forward, standing between his legs and lifting his chin. I could tell that he was nowhere near finished so I merely stayed quiet, looking into his eyes that were full of nothing but pure sincerity.

"Lex, I do love you. I think I'll always love you but I literally can't watch you hate yourself. I know you do and I've tried to give you everything to make up for the fact that you give yourself nothing, but I guess that's not working anymore, is it?"

Salty tears were falling from my eyes because I knew that he knew me better than anyone, having this extraordinary ability to read me. All of his words were true and the accuracy of them was startling. I wanted to run away from what he was saying because I felt a jolt of pain with every spot on word passing through his lips. I looked down to my wrist, seeing some makeup smudged over a red mark littered on my skin.

"Do you think I don't know you did it, that you think you can hide it with this?" his finger ran over the mark, exposing it and causing his fingertip to coat with foundation used in a failed attempt to hide what I'd done after visiting Cole.

I began to feel my tears approaching, little hiccups making it hard for me to breathe.

"S-So that's...that's it? W-We're done?" I finally managed to get the words out, my insides quivering in absolute fear.

"I don't know what to do, Lex. I can't...I don't...I wish there was a way to just make you better but I don't think I can. I think that it's time for us to stop playing ourselves, to stop living in some fantasy world that you're going to get better. You need to do that on your own with the help of your family. You have to tell everyone and finally get this..."

Panic took over my body, killing me from the inside out. My hands started to sweat as well as my forehead and I pulled away from Noah, pacing the room, attempting to find some solace.

"No. Please...no. Please, don't leave me. I can't lose..."

"How many times have we gone over this, Lex? Why? Why do you have to hurt your body? I don't understand. I love your body. I love you but I can't...I won't watch this forever. I'm driving myself insane with worry every day and I never know what I'm going to come home to. I don't know if I'm going to find you bleeding in the bathroom floor with a razor in your hand."

"Noah, please. I'm begging you. I won't do it again. I went to see Cole today and I just...I was scared. He was saying..."

"But it's always going to be something with you and I can't take it. I'm reaching my breaking point and this isn't fun, Lex! I hate this. I hate this so much."

"I know. I do too but...please. One more chance...please, Noah. Please."

"Did you cut anywhere else?"

"No...I...Just...Only a little."

"Let me see."

I shook my head frantically, knowing that he would make me leave if I showed him the deep cuts at the tops of my thighs. My tears were ruthless, falling down my cheeks and refusing to stop no matter what.

"No." I whispered.

"Lex, let me see. Now." He hissed and I reached down, undoing my button and sliding the material down my legs.

I heard him gasp and I clamped my eyes shut. I started wiping my cheeks, sensing him approaching me slowly. Soon, my body was shuddering underneath his touch, his fingertips grazing across my skin which would never be pretty again. I couldn't bear to look at his face, knowing it would be too painful. I expected him to be mad but soon, he was stepping away from me, walking to sit at the end of his bed.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now