My Business

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I felt sad writing this chapter because when I'm writing dialogue between my characters I feel a little bit of the emotion I'm trying to portray in them and I just felt really bad for Nicholas.


"Why don't you just press charges?" Nessie said patting me on my back. I shook my head. "Oh don't tell me you're one of those girls?" Nessie said sighing. "What?" I asked confused. "The kind of girl that forgives easily because he was drunk or mad and you believe when he says it was just an accident. Girl, if he did it once he'll do it again." She said getting angry.

"Nessie, are you feeling some type of way right now?" Cara said. "Yes, I am. See that's one of the pros of being a lesbian. You don't have to deal with no good men like that asshole you married." she said to me. I know she meant it in a different way it just mad me feel even worse about myself.

"That's the last thing on my mind right now, I need to find a job and a place to support my daughter." I said rubbing my forehead. "You can stay with Tasha & I for as long as you need, okay?" Nessie said trying to comfort me. "I really need to get some things from the house, will you guys come with me?" I said standing up and heading towards the door.

"Of course, you think we're going to let you take one step alone in that house?" Cara said shaking her head and following me along with Nessie. I really hope he's not home..I don't need confrontation with him.


Nicholas's P.O.V

"I'm telling you, it's like she's some demon sent from hell." Thomas said seriously. "Last night I came home, she's sitting in the fucking dark and asked me where I've been?" He said throwing the football.

"Man, she sounds like my girlfriend." Max said laughing. "Since when do you have a girlfriend?" I joked making everybody laugh. "You shouldn't be saying much nick, seeing that yours is not even with you." Max said offensively. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked between him and I.

"You're right, it's all good though." I said with a smile before throwing the ball back at Thomas. "Okay seriously? Why the hell are you so calm about something like that? Last week if I said something like that you would've beat the shit of me." Thomas said confused.

"I'm trying to become a better person." I said running my fingers through my hair. "He's back on his meds again." Dave said leaning against the doorframe. Thanks for putting my business out there bitch. "Shit, if you're on those during the season can you play?" Max asked. "I don't think it really matters what I'm doing?" I said turning to max.

"You guys have your private lifes and so do I, now please throw me the ball." I said calmly to Thomas. "You know nothing's wrong with having anger and sadness Nicholas, it's called being human." Dave said. "I'm completely fine and I feel great, so please lets talk about something..anything else." I croaked.

"Dude, are you about to cry?" Thomas said walking towards me. "No, I'm just feeling a little sick." I said before walking to the patio and sitting down. "You sure you good?" Dave asked. "I said fucking fine." I responded tapping my fingers on the table.

And then the doorbell rang. "Hell yeah, pizzas here." Thomas said running into the house with max trailing behind him. But Dave stayed behind. "You know you're a terrible liar?" Dave said sitting across from me. "Whatever." I said rubbing my forehead.

"Look, you know I'm not very religious but I do believe in god and I think maybe he let things happen like this for a reason." He said looking at me. "I mean just try and understand for once." I'd never heard Dave speak much about religion so this is a first. "If he really cared don't you think my family would've been here right now? Let alone Natalia's parents?" I said shaking my head.

"I know this is not what you wanna hear right now, but your marriage has failed man, and its not going to get any better if you keep acting the way you're acting. Be a fucking man for once and own up to your damn problems." Dave yelled.

"You've got a beautiful fucking wife and a gorgeous daughter. Do you know how happy some guys would be to have that?" He said shaking his head. "You don't understand.." I trailed off. "Well please explain it to me nick because I'm trying to comprehend this." Dave said throwing his hands I'm the air.

"I tried to make it work, I tried so hard. After I cheated on Natalia I vowed to never hurt her again and I did. I hurt her so bad and now she's going to take my daughter away from me. Do you know what that feels like Dave? To have your child taken away from you when she's the reason you breathe? When she means the world to you?" I was beginning to feel as if I was about to cry.

"I wasn't the only person in that relationship, she wouldn't even talk to me some nights. God, she even hid the fact that she had a miscarriage..I would've been there for her. I would've been there for her, and I put that on everything Dave." and then finally after holding it in for what seemed like forever, I cried.

"It's going to be okay man." Dave said quietly.

I really doubt that.

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