Just Leave

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If you sent me personal messages recently please check your inbox, I have responded to all of them. :) this chapter was iffy for me, I wasn't feeling it but I kind of was because its in Dave's P.O.V. But don't worry I'm trying to spread the story out so the ending can be in about 7 to 8 days I guess.


Dave's P.O.V

"Listen it's been a week, coach let you off the first few times but shit man. You've missed practice this time and he's pissed." I said sitting on the porch with Nicholas, Thomas and Max. Honestly, I'm not surprised Natalia got enough balls to leave him. He wasn't treating her right anyway.

"I hit her man." He said looking at his hands before grabbing the beer bottle. "And that was an asshole fucking move." I said playing with my car keys. He's been nothing but a drunk sorry mess and quite frankly it's annoying the fuck out of me. "I feel so bad and the worst part is I can't do anything about it." He cried. Man, hope none of the other teammates see him like this.

I heard a car coming up the drive and we all turned to look. "Fucking really?" Nicholas said taking a swig of the beer again. "Who's that?" I said shielding my eyes. "The devil himself." He laughed sarcastically.

"Holy shit, that's that Cameron kid." Thomas said jumping up. "Shit, I think I left my phone in the car..someone's gotta record this shit." Thomas yelled picking through his pockets. "Isn't he kind of late I mean it's been a week?" I said confused. "Maybe she just now told somebody?" Max said unsure.

Well whoever he was he looked pissed walking towards us. "You fucking put your hands on her?" The guy yelled. "Aww shit, is there a way you could walk back to your car and repeat that line over again? I wasn't recording.." Thomas said with a serious face. "Shut the fuck up Thomas ." I yelled.

I'm starting to question why we even hang out with him. He's like a fucking 5 year old. "Why are you here Cameron?" Nicholas said shaking his head. "Since when is it okay to start beating on you wife?" The kid yelled while getting in Nicholas's face. "Look, I'm going to need you to back up." I said trying to intervene.

"Nah Dave, it's good. We're just talking man to man right?" Nicholas said pushing me away from them. "Yeah and man to man if you want to hit somebody then hit me." Cameron yelled.

Nick smiled before faking like he was about to hit the kid. That's an old trick, I don't see how Cameron didn't flinch. "You see 3 days ago the old Nicholas would've knocked you the fuck out, but I've changed." Nicholas said turning around and grabbing another beer.

"Because you know what's more powerful than a man that has everything? A man that has nothing to lose. I mean, you got my wife.. what do you want next? My house?" Nicholas said laughing. I think he's literally lost his damn mind.

"Hell, I was thinking about eating a burrito later unless you want that too?" He said handing a beer over to the Cameron kid. "Just leave, you got what you wanted." Nicholas said before waving him off.

"You don't even feel sorry about what you did?" Cameron said while laughing sarcastically.

"Put yourself In my position, I fell in love with my bestfriend and I actually got her. I got her and the most beautiful thing in the world; my daughter. I've cheated on her and have treated her badly, so I know for fucking sure sorry isn't going to fix it this time." Nicholas said balling up his fist.

"Just leave man." I said trying to get him out of here. He looked at me than back at Nicholas before walking away. "Personally, and this is just my opinion. But maybe it's not you guys, maybe it's her. She could be like on some low breaking hearts shit like Taylor swift." Thomas said trying to make light of the situation.

"Alright, that's it. Time to go home Thomas or I'm calling Jennifer?" I said clapping my hands. "You know, you guys really treat me like shit." He said walking down the steps and towards his car.

Drama, drama everywhere. I really need new friends.

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