8 months

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8 months

"I mean just put your hand right here." I said while taking Nicholas's hand and placing it on my belly. Jamie had been kicking lately and I wanted him to feel it. "Talia do you feel that kick? If she can't play football atleast soccer? She's got a mean kick." He joked.

Jamie wasn't my first choice for her name. But eventually I got tired of Nicholas's persistence to name her that. Jamie Amelia O'brian was the only name we'd agreed on.

"I got a game on Friday you know?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Yes I know Nicholas." I said trying to push furniture around Jamie's room. "Well I want you and baby girl to come to it." He said while helping me move a dresser. "We're kind of a package deal Nicky, I mean I can't just show up without her." I said laughing.

Lately I'd started making jokes that were only seriously hilarious to me and I didn't care.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of that captain obvious." He said. I just looked at him and stopped laughing, and when I couldn't hold it in anymore I just busted out laughing again. "You're so weird it just creeps me out." He said grabbing his stuff and walking out. "You just don't have a sense of humor." I yelled.

In the beginning of my pregnancy it was constant sadness and crying plus anger. now I'm just really happy and can't stop laughing, even if it was unfunny.

"Do you like music Jamie?" I said while turning on the radio. Oh I love this song, it's called My Kind Of Love by Emeli Sandé.

I began to sing along

" but don't ever question if my heart beats only for you, it beats only for you.

Cuz when you've given up, when

no matter what you do it's never good enough.

When you never thought that it could ever get this tough, that's when you feel my kind of love.

And when you're crying out, when you fall and can't pick your happy off the ground.

When the friends you thought you had haven't stuck around, that's when you feel my kind of love."

"This is one of mommy's favorite songs." I said while rubbing my belly.

I think this song perfectly explains my feelings for my child and Nicholas. I love them unconditionally and only want the best for them both. I'm not perfect and neither is Nicholas but we're going to make this work somehow. I'm going to be the best mom I can be to Jamie.

"I love you baby girl." I whispered to her.

"Okay, it's bedtime..I've got classes in the morning and you need to rest." Nicholas said as he came into the room, he turned off the radio and then helped me to the bedroom.

I am tired, even though I do absolutely nothing that could possibly make me this tired. "Could you hand me my pillow?" I asked Nicholas. Melanie bought me a pregnancy pillow and it's my absolute everything at nighttime. "I swear that pillow gets more action than I do." Nicholas mumbled under his breathe.

How could someone be jealous of a pillow you ask? Simple. Just be Nicholas Matthew O'brian.

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