Thank You

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"Where are you going?" He asked while grabbing my arm. "Don't touch me." I said while pulling away from him once again. "Please Natalia, don't leave me." He said blocking the door to Jamie's room.

"You're not the Nicholas I grew up with, you're not the Nicholas that stood up for me when we were little. And You're sure as hell not the Nicholas I am in love with and you need to move so I can get my baby." I said reaching for the handle.

"You didn't even want her, you didn't even want her to be here right now. It was me who had to constantly convince you to keep her." He said shaking his head. "And you're not about to take my child away from me." He said.

"I don't have time for this Nicholas." I said rubbing my head. "You don't have time for this? Well you're going to make some fucking time to hear this. I've done nothing but provide for you and Jamie and all I receive is a fucking kiss and hey honey for 5 fucking months straight. I have needs to Talia, and I'm sorry I acted upon them with someone else. I was gonna tell you I swear but this happened." He yelled and started crying.

"I'm sorry, I ended with that girl a while ago.. And I'll do anything to prove just how sorry I am." He sobbed.

"I'm leaving Nicholas." I said as I pushed past him.

"Wake up sweety." I said while rubbing her stomach. She opened her eyes and yawned. "Come on sweetheart." I said while picking her up. "Please Natalia." He said pulling on my shirt. I walked down the stairs and went into the garage and placed her in her carseat and buckled her up.

I got in and pulled out of the garage before driving into town. I honestly have nowhere to go. The only person who lives on this part of town is ... Cameron. I really don't want to be a burden but I left my credit cards and ID at home so we can't stay in a hotel.

I pulled into his apartment complex and got Jamie out the backseat and walked to his apartment. C22..C23.. Agghh C24. I built up enough courage to finally knock on the door. After about 3 minutes he came to the door with extreme bed hair and a pissed look on his face. But it quickly changed when he saw us.

"Natalia hey? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Umm is this a bad time?" I asked looking at his appearance. "No come in." He said letting me through and helping me with a bag. I sat down on the couch and just spilled everything that just happened.

He looked pissed but he had a knowing look as if he'd expected this to happen. After awhile, he let me take a shower and I borrowed some of his clothes. "You and Jamie can sleep on the bed and I'll go sleep on the couch." He said before turning to leave.

"Thank you Cameron." I said as he left. "It's no problem at all." He smiled before saying goodnight and leaving for real this time.

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