Selfish Chap. 23

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Short, just basically a tease, I'll write some more after my much needed nap.


"You're not the one who has to go through all of this Nicholas, yesterday I ate pickles dipped in mayonnaise. Do you know how nasty that is but so good?" I yelled. It was true and I couldn't stop myself.

"Who else knew about this?" He said shielding my bedroom door so I couldn't get out.

"My family, Cara, Nessie, and Angie." I said while rolling up my sleeves on my shirt. "Don't you think I have the right to have a say in this?" He looked angry once again. "If you love me and I love you, why can't we raise this baby together?" He said while pulling at his hair.

"Look, What happened at the cabin was a mistake." I said looking down to my feet. "Why are you doing this to me?" He said sniffling. Please don't cry.. "I can make this.. I can make us work, look I won't go to college, I'll get some shitty job just please don't take this away from me." He said.

"You can walk away any fucking time..I will not be limited to what I can do in life because of something that you selfishly want." I yelled, I'm sick of this. "Do you hear how selfish you sound though? That's a living and growing thing you have in there and you just can't give it off to someone because you don't want to take responsibility." He yelled while grabbing the door handle.

"I can't even look at you right now, when did you become so fucking self-absorbed?" He said before slamming my door and leaving.

I don't even want cry right now, but ever since I became pregnant I can't stop. Waterworks here, waterworks there. I am not a crying person, unless faced with conflict. "I'm not ready for a baby, I'm practically a baby myself.. Why didn't I use protection.. I'm so stupid." I kept repeating to myself.


Who do you think is being selfish? Nicholas or Natalia?

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