Go get him

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I don't really like this chapter that much, I think it was poorly written but I'm having extreme writers block and I just don't know what to do.


"What the hell man?" Dave said. "I told you to give her space not practically tell her you want a divorce. Shit man! You screw up even the littlest things." He said shaking his head. "No, you're not listening. Amelia and Talia are not going to be happy with me. I screwed up big time and if I were in her position I'd treat myself the same way." I said while rubbing my forehead.

"Honestly nick, are you fucking hearing yourself? That is your wife and your daughter..of course they will be happy with you!" He yelled unbelievably. "You can stay here tonight, but tomorrow you're fixing that shit." He said before opening the door to let in some of the other teammates.


Natalia's P.O.V

"Ma ma?" Amelia said while trying stand up. She's been trying to stand all month but she always falls back down. "Yes? baby doll." I said picking her up. She can say like 5 things but her favorite one lately is woah. She sees the wall "woah." She sees an ant "woah."

"All I'm saying is he doesn't deserve to just walk out on you like that." Cara said. "Which is why I brought out and old friend from highschool." She said while pulling the bat from out of her purse. "Okay that is not even fu..freaking possible." I said changing up my words as I look down at Amelia.

"You need to go to where he's staying at right now, and you need to get that B-I-T-C-H in check." She said. "Isn't that right Jamie?" Cara cooed to Amelia. "That is if Jamie is still your name because I've heard multiple names for you." She said.

"Come on, lets go." Cara said. "Right now?" I asked. "Yep." She said while pulling me outside. I locked the front door and headed towards the truck. Cara had put Amelia in her carseat and was heading towards the passenger seat. We got in and I pulled out of the driveway.

"What do I say?" I asked nervously. "You say whatever you feel sweetheart." she said while re-applying her lipstick. "You know where Dave lives?" She said while turning to me. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Because that's where you'll find Nicholas." She said smiling. "But..what..how..do?" I mumbled. "One night stand, lets not go in to details about it, I just know these things." She said while shaking her head.

I don't understand, she goes to a completely different university in a whole nother state and she still manages to bag a quarterback.

About 10 minutes later we got to Dave's and I parked out front. Cara turned to me and began to talk.

"Alright now, just think of all the bad things he's done to you and how you felt when he cheated on you and you're good to go." She said while pushing me. "Why are you so nice to me even when I chose Nicholas over your brother?" I said seriously.

"Look, Cameron is just a genuine good person. He sees the good in everybody and gives out chances more than he should but you two are just not right for each other and i respect that. You love Nicholas and you've always loved Nicholas and there's nothing that's going to probably ever change that." Cara said genuinely.

She then waved me off and I headed towards Dave's door. I knocked on the door as hard as I could and finally it opened. "Hi Thomas, where's Dave?" I said trying to be polite. "Why do you wanna know?" He said wriggling his eyebrows. "Move cunt." Dave said while pushing him out of the way.

"Oh, hey Natalia." Dave said while leaning on the door frame. "Is my husband here Dave?" I asked tired of their games. "I don't know is he?" Dave said scratching his head. "Move." I said while pushing open the door. "Come on Nicholas, we're going home." I said finding him sitting on the couch.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He said. "No it's a great fucking idea, because I said so." I said picking up his cellphone and jacket. "Now say goodbye to your friends and lets go." I said, if I had to talk to him as if he was I child than that was what was going to happen.


I hate this chapter. -_-

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