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The way I set the story up is so we could go through the pregnancy fast, so during her pregnancy she's been taking her semesters online. Because in order for Nicholas to still be with them he had to get the house and she would have to go to a completely different school.

I'm really trying to make Natalia a likeable character but everything I seem to do makes you guys hate her even more. #NobodyLikesNatalia


February 13.

"Who's the lucky lady?" I asked Cameron as I'd caught him buying red roses. "They're actually for you." he said smiling and trying to give them to me. "I can't accept these, I'm engaged and you know that." I responded back while walking away. "And what's that gotta do with me?" He yelled before I got in my car.

Cameron has been constantly pursuing me for awhile now. Don't get me wrong Cameron is the perfect guy but just not for me. He knows that Nicholas is my fiancé, and quite frankly it seems as if he doesn't care.

On Nicholas's last game night, he got the whole team together and they sung my heart will go on, which might I add was very off key and got the cheerleaders to carry a banner that said "will you marry me?" Of course I had mixed emotions about my answer but I said yes. I mean this is all going by so fast.

Once there might've been something between Cameron and I but I don't feel that way anymore. I just want to be friends with him and I feel bad that I led him to believe that we could ever be something more.

"Hey honey. Where are you?" I heard Nicholas's voice in my Bluetooth. " I'm on my way to Tasha and Nessie's to pick up some things." I said while making a turn into their neighborhood. "Well make sure you're home tonight because I wanna show you something." He said quietly. "Alright, I gotta go but I love you." I said while smiling. "Okay baby girl, I love you too." He whispered into the phone. I heard laughter in the background and assumed he was with his friends.

I hung up and walked right into their house, they lived in a nice enough neighborhood to leave their front door unlocked now. "Hey big mama." Nessie said as she saw me walk in. "I swear you look like you're about to have that baby right here on my floor." Nessie joked. She always had jokes for every possible situation. Which kind of I must admit; made this pregnancy easier for me.

"They're out back on the patio, come on." She said grabbing my hand.


Nicholas P.O.V

"Man I swear your wifey there, she has you whipped like a fucking dog." Mario said after I'd hung up with Natalia. "Yes man, I love you too sweetheart." David mocked me while laughing. "I'm not whipped, atleast I have a girl that's faithful to me." I said while smacking David on the back of the head.

"You sure she's not with you for the money though?" David said. "She was with me when I had nothing." I said reminiscing on all the times Natalia was there for me. "I just don't understand bro, are you even ready to be a dad?" Mario said shaking his head. "Well if I wasn't ready, don't you think

it'd be a little too late now?" I countered. "Well, whatever about that dad shit.. Leslie's been asking about you.." Thomas said getting up and patting me on the back.

"That girl wants you man, and every time I see her she's getting finer and finer." He said while smirking. "I'm a family man now and she needs to realize that." I said shifting uneasily. "Well, you weren't saying that when you had your tongue down her throat last week." David said tossing the football In the air. "It wasn't like that." I said trying to defend myself. "I bet your wifey would think it was." Mario mumbled.


Natalia's P.O.V

I had been over here at Tasha's for 4 hours now and I'm tired. "I'm about to head home I've got to get some sleep." I said while yawning. I mean it's almost 8.

I got up and started to feel a pain in the lower part of my stomach. "Ouch." I said aloud. "You okay Natalia?" Natasha asked. Everyone sat up with worried looks on their faces. "Oh I'm fine, just a cramp." I said while waving goodbye and walking to the car.

Oh I should've asked Melanie if Dylan was coming over tomorrow to help Nicholas finish painting. I'll just call her tomorrow.

Speaking of dylan, I'm really grateful for my siblings, as of a week ago Dylan has become my guardian until I turn 18 in about 4 months. He's allowing Nicholas and I to get married and has agreed to give me away at our wedding.

Which I'm really excited for, because honestly a wedding is something I dreamed of. But you know, after I was done with my career and ready to settle down.But as always, Some things just don't turn out as planned. But I'm lucky to have Nicholas, someone who loves me and remains faithful to me no matter what.

I made it to the house after what seemed like the longest drive ever. "Hey, how was your day?" Nicholas said giving me a kiss. "Fine, you've been eating strawberries?" I asked because his lips had that strawberry after taste. "Uhmm yeah but I had them back at the guys dorm." He said while scratching his head. "I don't understand why you like hanging out with those boys... Especially Mario, I don't like him at all." I said shaking my head and making my way upstairs.

"Well Mario loves you sweetheart." He said smiling. I turned to say something before I got another cramp. "Oww." I said grabbing Nicholas's hand and squeezing it. "Ow, what was that for?" He said rubbing his hand. "Just really bad cramps, something you probably won't have to ever deal with." I said before going to the restroom to take my bathe before bed.

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