3 months Chap. 24

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A lot of you made good points as to why, wether Natalia or Nicholas were being selfish. Also that neither of them are selfish because you can't put your self in their situation and claim to know it all. You guys continue to inspire me as a writer.


I'm officially 3 months and two weeks. Today I'm going to my baby's first ultrasound and to you know check up on everything. They won't be able to tell me what he or she is until I'm around 20 weeks. So my next doctors visit Is in about 2 weeks.

"So today we're just going to see if your baby is doing well health wise and development wise and then you can listen to their heartbeat." My doctor Erica said with a lady standing next to her. Must be the ultrasound technician. "Is this the baby's father?" Erica asked. "Yes." As I looked towards Nicholas standing awkwardly in the corner.

Argument. Argument has been the only way we've talked about this baby. But now it's official he can't even look at me or speak to me anymore. The only time he talks to me is if it refers to our baby. "So have you been helping mom eat healthy lately?" The doctor asked Nicholas as she pressed on my stomach softly and checked my heartbeat and temperature. "I've been trying, but she won't stick to the diet I've set up for her." he said shaking his head. Even when it comes to food I disappoint him.

I know I've become a bit repulsive to look at, I've gained weight and I can't even look at my own self in the mirror. Fat, stupid, and worthless. Nicholas doesn't even have to say it, I can see it in his eyes. "Well mom, if you want a healthy baby, you gotta be a healthy mama." She said.

The doctor led us to another room and set up the ultrasound. She began to put the gel on my stomach and pointed to the screen, shortly after I started hearing a heartbeat. "That's your baby." She said smiling at us. I needed to hear this, I needed to hear that all of this was worth something.

Hearing that heartbeat made me feel like I had something special growing inside off me and I do. I turned my head to see Nicholas wrapping his arms around himself before backing out of the room and leaving. "Is he okay?" The lady asked. "He's just more emotional then I've been these first few months." I said trying to force a small.

"I've seen dads like that before." She said chuckling to herself.

After about 20 minutes later that finished up and I got my papers and walked to Nicholas's car. He didn't talk to me the whole drive home ,so before he got out the car to go inside I just broke down.

"Do you think I'm not attractive enough for you anymore? Are you talking to Farrah again? Is it because I'm gaining weight now? I'm sorry I can't stop eating its just I can't help it!" I cried while wiping the tears from my face. He looked surprised as if he didn't know what to say, he kept trying to form words but nothing came out.

"You know what? Just save it." I said grabbing my purse and running into the house. I knew it was because I'd gained weight and most likely he was fucking Farrah again. I went to the fridge and pulled out ice cream. "Oh no no, these are for the kids talia." Angie said taking it out of my hand and placing it back in the fridge. "I'm with child, does that count?" I said. "No." She said before walking into her study laughing.

I pulled out my phone that Dylan had given me for my birthday. "Can you come pick me up Tasha?" I asked. "I'm actually pulling up right now, I was dropping in to check on you and Nicholas." She replied. I quickly hung up making my way towards the door. "Where are you going?" He said reaching for my hand. "None of your business." I said pulling away.

"I think it actually is some of my business." He said referring to our current situation. "Go fuck off with your small dick, go have fun getting aids with Farrah." I said trying to walk around him. "I am not with Farrah, why can't you get that through your thick hea--." He stopped himself and just smiled.

"You know what, I'm not going to let your petty comments get to me anymore. If you wanna dog me out go ahead because most guys wouldn't even put up with you in this situation, hey it's either abortion or I'm out right? That's what you wanna hear me say huh?" He rambled.

"You want me to say fuck you Nat and that baby because its probably not even mine. It could be Cameron Jr. For all I fucking know." He said throwing his hands in the air. "That actually makes sense too, I want a DNA test when the baby is born." He said before walking away from me.

Tears blurred my vision once again as I walked to Tasha's car. "Can y...you please take me to get some ice cream?" I asked as I sat down in her car.

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