Jamie & Cameron

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"And so there's this big chemical blast and everyone goes absolutely crazy and I'm just laughing." Cameron said as Jamie is pulling at his hair. "Woah, you're so feisty little lady." He said grabbing her and sitting her in his lap. "I'm sorry you can give her back to me if you want." I said laughing.

"No she's fine, aren't you little lady? yes you are." He said while tickling her. "So, where's dad?" He asked shading his eyes looking around as if Nicholas was gonna jump out from somewhere. "Haven't seen him since las night, he got mad because I didn't want to have sex with him." I said while picking at the grass on the ground. "Woah woah woah, there is a baby here." He said covering her ears and faking a surprised look at me.

She giggled and started talking in that weird baby language. "Oh really?" Cam said while pretending to understand what she was saying. "I know right girl, her diaper was not even cute." He said snapping his finger. I laughed and couldn't stop. "I seem to have that affect on the O'brian women." He said while winking.

The whole day has basically been like this. I'd been strolling around the park with Jamie and bumped into Cameron. We both had nothing to do so we sat under a tree and just talked.

"What do you see in him?" He asked while shaking his head. "I love him, he's my bestfriend." I said while looking away. "Yeah I know you love him....but do you love him the way he claims to love you?" He asked while helping Jamie drink her bottle.

"You're doing it wrong, you've got to support her head and she'll just go for the bottle." I said fixing his arms around her. "See, just like a pro." I said. He smiled at me and we sat in a comfortable silence.

"I hope you two are happy with him." He said after awhile when were ready to go. "We are." This wasn't really a lie, honestly there are some days when he can be good to us. "I..I just really hope we can do this again sometime." He said hugging me.

"Of course." I said smiling. "Well, I'll see you later beautiful." He said while tickling Jamie. I could tell that Cameron wanted to say more but his better judgement was against it. So he waved goodbye and just left.

Honestly, today was as much fun as I've had since Jamie was born and I can't believe it's over. "Come on Amelia, lets go see if your fathers home." I said while securing her in her car seat.

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